Tried the Mississippi River right away. Seeing as how it was in a bag and I didn't have to break a seal.
I don't know. I read/watched too many rave reviews to smoke this objectionably. Seems like a very, very mild English/Balkan to me. However, I could definitely taste the Virginias. I don't know what Perique tastes like yet, so I couldn't say if I tasted it or not. (For reference, when I refer to an English, I mean a blend that imparts some taste of Latakia, so in any of my posts to come, when I say English, I mean containing Latakia).
Came home from the parents, where I picked up and opened my package.
Refreshed my memories of Latakia #1. I don't know, towards the end of my first tin, I had decided I loved this stuff. After smoking a couple bowls out of the new tin. Meh. I don't know. I think it was probably my fault, seeing as how I was impatient to try a couple different tobaccos before bed, thus causing me to puff ferociously to finish the bowl. Bad idea, I know. It also could be that English tobaccos just light, burn, and smoke differently than Virginia's and flake tobaccos, and I was smoking it like a flake. You tell me.
Tried the McClelland Black Woods Flake. I guess I spaced out when I hit the order button because I thought for sure this had Perique in it. Nope. All Virginias. Red and Black Stoved. Again... I'll have to smoke the tin before I decide. I could definitely taste the Virginia, but it a totally different Virginia taste than what I've experienced before. I don't know if it was back to back to back to back bowls of tobacco, but I felt pretty nauseous afterwards. Nicotine overload I bet.
Tried the Dunhill flake, which I smoked last night, and in between job sites this afternoon. Very good. I can tell you right now that when all is said and done, I'll be a Virginia man. I don't know, just how smoke should taste to me. It seems smoother and creamier than MacBaren's navy flake; lighter as well.
Anyway, that was last night. I spent half an hour staring at the Davidoff Flake Medallions trying to decide if I wanted to try it or not. (I had myself convinced I'd only be opening two or three tins before I ordered more.) Which brings us to the Now.
Just finished Solani's Aged Burley Flake. I have to say it's the only Burley I've smoked other than Carter Hall, Prince Albert, and Half & Half, and I have to say I like it. Strangely. I can't stand OTC tobaccos. At least USA OTC tobaccos. Just nasty stuff in my opinion. It had me thinking that I would hate anything with Burley in it.
I guess I like it because it tastes like... tobacco?... with a Burley center? That might be kind of confusing but it seems logical enough to me. The tin note is definitely cocoa. I'm excited to see what my girlfriend says about the room note.
... Well...
There you have it I suppose. I'm gonna grab a bite to eat while I dry out one of these Sam Gawith Navy Flakes. I'm not sure when I'm gonna get to the Flake Medallions,... but I imagine that it'll be sometime this evening. I plan on trying the Nightcap fairly soon, and possibly the 965, which I believe takes care of everything.
Peterson's University Flake. I'm keeping that sealed as long as possible ( you know, this aging stuff is quite difficult ). I've smoked three tins of that shit and all I can say is that it's bomb. Bomb diggity. I don't really dig aromatics, though I plan on sampling a few over time, but a good quality tobacco flavor with a nice subtle top flavoring is something I'll be searching out.
If you made it this far, Thanks. You guys kick ass.