Symbolic Event in my Life

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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
While this is not something directly pipe related, it is something special I wanted to share with brier brothers and sisters.
I wan​​ted to take a moment and share a​​ story of something that happened to me a few weeks ago; one that has had a profound impact on my life. Almost three years ago I left my full-time position with the sheriff’s office; a job I loved and felt was where I belonged, to take a higher paying job outside of law enforcement. The reasons I chose to leave are another story, and the job I took has become a bad choice. Since leaving my job in law enforcement I had a sense of loss many who have served know all too well once they leave. I let myself go physically and gained weight, and generally didn’t take ​care ​of myself​,​ not only physically, but spiritually. About six months ago I started having physical problems that I ignored and they continued to worsen. With my gained weight I began to have problems with my legs and feet. I began to feel numbness, tingling and pain in my legs and feet. Having been trained as an EMT and other medic training, I knew in my mind these symptoms were nothing good, but I ignored them.
About four weeks ago I had a dream that was very profound and touched me very deeply. In my dream I was speaking to someone, I couldn​'t see them clearly, but the presence was undeniable. As he spoke to me he told me that I was going to have my left leg amputated. That was very upsetting, and I asked why. I was told that I was becoming diabetic and soon I would lose my leg because of it. I asked who this was that was telling me such a thing and he told me “I am the right hand of Jesus”. I asked how this happened and what I needed to do, and he said I knew why and knew what I needed to do; it wasn’t too late.
I’ve been much less religious during my life than I should have been, but this dream was very profound to me and has touched me deeply. In recent searches I have found a lot of relevance to the “right hand of God”, and the “right hand of Jesus.” Before this experience I had never known of this symbolic significance “right hand of God” and “right hand of Jesus”, nor had I ever looked into it. Since looking into this I have begun to realize how significant this dream really is.
During my life I have had four dreams of religious significance, most filled with vivid symbolism and meaning, and this recent occurrence was one that touched me deeply. I have played around with losing weight but not very seriously. Since that experience almost four weeks ago I have lost over 25 pounds, and the symptoms in my legs and feet have subsided almost completely.
Also since this experience I have prayed for greater guidance and direction in my life. Over the past several weeks since, I have seen my old serial number appear on and in many places (clocks, license plates, etc.), more often than I believe was by chance. I believe that is a sign to me of where I need to be.
My office is hiring again later this year and I plan on applying back with the office in ​​hopes of returning to the Sheriff’s Office. If that is where I am supposed to be, then I believe it will be. Above all else this experience has reaffirmed my belief in the presence of God in my life and all things​.
Gecko13 :puffpipe:



Jan 31, 2011
Thanks for sharing that. The visitations and messages you were given were a great gift. I know that those experiences, in dreams and otherwise, are very real and very profound.
I’m glad to hear you’ve been able to turn the health issues around. Something like diabetes especially can definitely be dealt with through diet, weight loss, organic nutrition, etc. I hope everything continues to go in the right direction for you.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 26, 2013
Thanks for sharing that, man. You have had a clear call, and are answering it, and that is truly the best thing to do here. Take care of your health, try to get back with your Sherrif's office, and remember you do have a path laid out, if you give yourself time to see it clearly.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 28, 2013
Brantford, Ont.
Sometimes out of frustration with "What am I supposed to be doing God?" I ask for a giant neon arrow to show me, because it seems I am missing the answer ... seems like a neon arrow has arrived for you.



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
Amen brother, good on you to recognize and LISTEN. Lot of people recognize and feel it ( they just wont admit it ) , not many LISTEN.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2013
I just got back from taking a course called "Dreams as Spiritual Formation". I wish I would have seen this first! That is awesome! My prayers and thoughts are with you. One of the things I've found is that all of our dreams are trying to say something. You should keep a journal. I need to get back in that habit. Many blessings and thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend!



Feb 21, 2013
gecko13, I'm working with a good family practice doc who has kept me out of the diabetes range so far, but with a lot

of work on both our parts, and my wife's. Be sure to follow these spiritual intuitions with good medical monitoring

and advice, and work at that too. Good health to you.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 29, 2011
Wow gecko, what an experience you've had. I'd say pray for God's will and give it all you've got. If you devote yourself and pray wholeheartedly for God's will he will point the way. It may not be easy but God's will is for his glory not ours. I'm a cop and have been for 8 years. It's a tough job, it can make you a cynical, bitter person if you permit it to. But you know all of this, I have tussled with leaving for something low stress but I believe In the grass is greener cliche. So like cynyr said, strap it back on! Watch your six.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Gecko, that is a great story, thanks for sharing it. I would get to your doctor right away and have your blood work checked. Make sure you get an A1C hemoglobin test done. What you experienced with the tingling and pain in your legs is called Neuropathy, it happens to people with diabetes. Even though it has subsided and you have lost weight, you still need to get checked out. Do not mess with this my friend.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 2, 2011
Thanks for all the replies. I had my blood check this week, and all looks good. Blood sugar is good, my cholesterol was lower than last time, actually in the normal range again, and my BP was good. Dang I better add a few more pounds to the cellar, I may be here longer than I have cellared for.



Jun 13, 2012
Wow what a touching story Doug. I wish you much success in getting your health back to where it needs to be and I truly hope you can get back into the Sheriff's office soon.

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