The Nightcap match was based on the Murray's version. Here's my review of it:
The original and the Match (which was based on the Murrays’ version) have the same grassy, citrusy Virginia in equal amount, thus having the same effect. That is also true of the Oriental/Turkish and the perique. The former is lightly floral, leathery, musty, dry and woody and just rises above being a condiment. The lightly spicy, rather plumy perique is a background player. In looking at both tobaccos, I can not tell one from the other. The only difference I notice is that the latakia in the original is a little stronger in taste in all ways: Cyprian sweetness, smokiness and wood. At times during a smoke, the Match seemed nearly identical to the original, and other times not so much. The depth of the attributes of the latakia - not the amount of latakia - is the only variable. Stirring up the tobacco in the Match produced better results for me, but did not completely solve the problem. The strength level of this blend is almost medium. Has a mild nic-hit, and won't bite or get harsh. Both burn clean and cool at a moderate pace with a consistent flavor. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and needs an average number of relights. Has a pleasant, smoky after taste, and stronger room note. Not quite an all day smoke, though it is certainly repeatable. I gave four stars to the original. Three to this.