So I popped a tin of this last week and it had some weird grayish film on what would be the top and bottom of the plug before the slice. It also had some white dots on the black paper insert, it was tacky though, not fuzzy.
I, being cautious and not wanting to expose my cellar to excessive mold spores, tossed it.
I opened another one last night and it was in the same condition. I wasn't home to resealed it and kept it.
A pipe buddy took a look, felt around and said that it was probably fine, more than likely something from production and the white was excess sugar. He didn't think it was mold since I had had the tins since last year and it didn't really spread.
I am seeking to see if anyone else has popped these and noticed anything funny.
C&D is great about replacements, how is Sutliff? Bought at Smoking Pipes, also great on returns.
I have a crummy photo but am seeking other's experience first.
Thanks fam
So I popped a tin of this last week and it had some weird grayish film on what would be the top and bottom of the plug before the slice. It also had some white dots on the black paper insert, it was tacky though, not fuzzy.
I, being cautious and not wanting to expose my cellar to excessive mold spores, tossed it.
I opened another one last night and it was in the same condition. I wasn't home to resealed it and kept it.
A pipe buddy took a look, felt around and said that it was probably fine, more than likely something from production and the white was excess sugar. He didn't think it was mold since I had had the tins since last year and it didn't really spread.
I am seeking to see if anyone else has popped these and noticed anything funny.
C&D is great about replacements, how is Sutliff? Bought at Smoking Pipes, also great on returns.
I have a crummy photo but am seeking other's experience first.
Thanks fam