Someone broke into my car today and stole my Grandfather's favourite pipe(amongst other things, such as the radio). I shouldn't have left it in the car, but I just had to run in to the vet's office to get my Dog. Anyway, it wasn't an expensive pipe, but it's one they don't make anymore. A Medico Double Dri. I saw one on eBay that looked similar, and they want 70 bucks for it.
My question is: Is anyone knowledgeable about these pipes? Is 70 USD a reasonable asking price? I am not an expert, and I'm not so sentimental that I want to get ripped off, haha.
EDIT: I guess "suggestions" was the wrong title...sorry
My question is: Is anyone knowledgeable about these pipes? Is 70 USD a reasonable asking price? I am not an expert, and I'm not so sentimental that I want to get ripped off, haha.
EDIT: I guess "suggestions" was the wrong title...sorry