Hello all, I recently tried stoving a couple of tobaccos I owned that I thought were a bit one dimensional. A. Capstan Blue. B. Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake C. Peter Stokkebye Luxury Flake. I followed a recipe from a YouTube smoker suggesting the "four 2's". 200 degrees in the oven, for 2 hours. 2 hour cool down and then 2 weeks of cellaring before smoking it. The finished result was a wonderful smelling "bread" tobacco and it took on a couple of shades darker coloration. I kept out a bowl of each kind in its original state to A/B the experience. What surprised me was how I preferred the original version each time. I found instead of the stoving making it "better" it simply made it more mellow or smoother. It seemed to reduce the sweetness and richer flavors of the originals. I guess I was hoping it would amp the sweetness and richness and not the opposite. Have you had a similar experience? Did I miss something in the stoving process? Thanks for any info.