Let's be clear on a few things. The laws of most, if not all, states already require people who reside in those states to declare and pay taxes on internet purchases, including tobacco taxes. This is about whether out of state sellers can be forced to collect those taxes on behalf of the states to which they are shipping. Since many folks are not self-declaring their internet purchases, one can understand why the states are so interested in having this collection mechanism.
Surely it is only a matter of time before it happens. We are already witnessing the hollowing out of state taxation bases and the disintegration of B&Ms (of all types - not just in the tobacco industry) as people window shop locally only to ultimately buy their desired product online in order to avoid the taxes. If I was a B&M, I would be pissed about the lack of neutrality this creates. At least if they start forcing collection of taxes then internet sellers and B&Ms will be on a level competitive playing field. All of which is to say, it may not be good for our pocket books but it certainly makes sense froma tax policy perspective.