Starting This Hobby in India

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Mar 25, 2015
Hello all.

I am a new member here. I have been interested in starting pipe smoking hobby for a while now :)

All searches on how and why about pipes have bought be directly to this site. A lot of good advise and suggestions for which I thank you.
I am however, in a major dilemma.

I have recently moved back to Bangalore, India and it is very difficult to find a tobacconist here.

I am sure there may be some members here from India who are enjoying this hobby and I request you to guide me on where I could find a good pipe and pipe tobacco to start here.
I know of lots of online stores that ships internationally, however, i think there may be some issues due to duties and customs here.

If any one here has placed an order online to be delivered to India and the package arrived to you safe and sound, please do let me know of the site :)
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated friends.
- Giri



Jul 13, 2011
Hey dude check out the free pipe project site, I would send you a box if you pay for shipping.



Feb 15, 2015
The folks are so nice, I had to say it twice. Good folks on this forum. Free Pipe Project is a great thing.



Mar 25, 2015
Hi shaintiques, thanks for your msg. I am definetly interested!
Ill PM you details we can go ahead from there. I appreciate your support in this regard!



Feb 21, 2013
Welcome aboard giripai. It sounds like you're receiving some good assistance. I'm thinking somewhere in India there might be a residue of British occupation in the form of a tobacco merchant who sells pipes and pipe tobacco, and you might be able to find that. Of the U.S. online retailers, 4noggins has been mentioned especially (one of our sponsors listed to the left of the Forums home page) for their ability to ship out-of-U.S. However, that may not solve the customs/duty problem when you receive the items. India is so vast and multi-cultural, I think there might be some sort of pipe and tobacco retailer there, somewhere, that would obviate customs -- I hope.



Jan 22, 2015
2 suggestions. One would be to dress nice and go to the nicest hotel that would cater to foreign travelers and ask the concierge where you could get some pipe tobacco. If anyone would know, they would. The other suggestion would be to contact the folks at 6 Photo. While they are nasal snuff folks, they should know tobacco vendors in your area, and I've found them to be very nice and helpful on the snuffhouse forum for nasal snuff.
Good luck.



Feb 21, 2013
Make a friend at an embassy or consulate and see if they can bring in a pipe or tin from time to time in their diplomatic pouch. I don't know if this is a big deal, or a simple request, but I think it's done all the time, by special dispensation. In that situation, I think I'd smoke mostly tub tobacco so individual shipments wouldn't be as frequent.



Feb 21, 2013
giripai, let us know how this works out, if you can locate a good source without betraying any confidences.



Mar 25, 2015
Hello All,
Thanks for the encouraging replies! I have found one retailer who sells Pipe and pipe tobacco online.

The online site is Though the site says that all material is in stock, when I spoke to the person there he said he would have to arrange and it would take time. I have ordered and am yet to receive my package! The pipe and tobacco ordered is from Petersons.
In the mean time I have placed a trial order with through whom I've ordered a Savinelli pipe and some tobacco. Status of the order says "In-Progress" not sure when/if I will receive it.

Also placed an order with Danish Pipe Shop. for a Stanwell Pipe Starter Kit its been shipped through FEDEX and says that it will be delivered by Tuesday. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Indian Customs is quite horrible!
Ive enquired with and they've said that they do ship to india however I've not placed any order yet. 4noggins and Danish Pipe had assured me that they have shipped to india several times, Ill celebrate when I receive my package :p
Shaintiques has definitely offered his help, however, before I accept, I just want to be sure that I can receive tobacco here, Else a pipe that he has put effort in would be completely wasted if i cant claim it here. Thats why I am waiting for more information :)
I will keep you all informed. The reason for my detailed reply about my research is so that if any other person is interested who lives in India, will get all information through here :)
Anxiously waiting ...



Feb 21, 2013
It sounds like you have the ball rolling. You'll have a good pipe and tobacco rotation in no time. Congratulations in advance.



Jun 30, 2015
Hello Giripai,

I live in Delhi, India. Where are your from originally? I'm so happy to find a pipe smoker in India as there are very few people who smoke a pipe here. I've faced the same problem as you as the legislation against tobacco in India is pretty strong. No one can advertise tobacco products or even smoke tobacco products on television. There is even a big label on tobacco products which shows cancer infested jet black lungs. Customs duty on tobacco products is literally 300%. I didn't know this when I was trying to order from smokingpipes and thankfully my order didn't go through as mastercard has a problem with businesses that sell tobacco products. Even paypal was not working with my mastercard when I was trying to order from them. Faced with no other choice I placed an order on and voila I received my package in 2 weeks or so and didn't have to pay a single penny to the customs. Richard at 4noggins is an excellent guy to deal with and is very helpful. He is an expert in International shipping and unlike he doesn't mention the entire description of the order placed. Since then I have got 6-7 packages from him and haven't had to pay a single penny to customs. Indian customs will try their level best to impose a duty on everything you get whether it is chargeable according to customs regulation or not. They even charge duty on documents received from abroad. Imagine that. Therefore, I am very thankful to Rich as he cares for guys like me.
Coming to the other point about Cigarsindia. I placed an order for a tin of Pterson Balkan Delight with them 3 days back and got my tobacco in 2 days, i.e., yesterday. When I opened the tin the paper holding the tobacco had black spots in it and I guess that's because of the latakia. By the looks of it I think it has 1-2 years age on it. I didn't like this tobacco. Cigarsindia carries only Peterson blends mostly and if you need Dunhill blends you have to order 10 tins and they then get it for you from Europe. If you like Dunhill blends then I would strongly recommend that you buy their pack of 10 Dunhill tins as it only costs $125 which is very very cheap considering you don't have to take any risk and don't have to pay the shipping charges. If you place an order of 10 tins from smokingpipes or 4noggins the shipping alone would cost something around 50-60 dollars if you are going for USPS Priority International.

I wish you good luck and if you need any help from me I am always there to help. :D :puffpipe:



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
Welcome, both of you!
Looks like you've both found good sources for pipes and tobacco. Enjoy!



Jun 30, 2015
Thanks a lot robwoodall. They are good sources but I crave for Dunhill bulk tobacco. $26 for 8oz Dunhill 965. I don't know who will buy tins at that price. Sadly only pipesandcigars has it in stock and they don't ship to India.

Girish and Dracul, fear not. I am opening up soon in India. Being a pipe smoker myself I feel your pain. I am in Bangalore since December 2013. I know cigarsindia guys, nice peeps. I am friends with both the founders of the company. Their office is just near my workplace. I am not doing this to make a buck as I earn good in my main profession but to actually make products available to fellow pipe smokers. Hang on for a few months and let me know what blends you usually go for.




Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
"I have recently moved back to Bangalore, India and it is very difficult to find a tobacconist here."
Given Britain's historical fondness for the pipe, and also their historical influence on India, I find that to be almost incredible. Is this just the case in Bangalore, or is it a nationwide issue?
Incidentally, welcome to the Forums, giripai!



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Why is it I hear an Indian accent in my head when I read those posts from giripai and dracul? :lol:
No matter, I'm sure we're all thrilled to have you guys on board here in the forums. :clap:

Let us know about your experiences as a pipe smoker in India. (Nice gesture, Chris.)



Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
"I am not doing this to make a buck as I earn good in my main profession but to actually make products available to fellow pipe smokers."
Good for you disinformatique! Henceforth we shall refer to you as the "condorlover1" of India! :)



Jun 30, 2015
lol Cortez its all in your head man. :P Anyways thanks for the welcome. Glad to be a part of this community. :D



Dec 14, 2015

i would really like to know where u bought ur first pipe and ur tobacco since u live india figured out that u would know the problems we face in india when it comes to tobacco and also wanted to ask u weather i could smoke a pipe outdoors in india without any problems from the cops u know how it is in here with the cops it would be really nice if u could tell me any gud online stores that sells gud pipes and tobacco in india

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