This is a language and vocabulary thing, me thinks. Ghosting refers to the tastes left behind by some tobaccos that permanently set deep into the briar. It is a rare thing for a tobacco to ghost, and this is not to be confused with just a residual taste left behind by a tobacco that will obviously quickly fade.
What you are getting is just that new pipe taste. I have several Stannies and none came with ghost nor a bad pre-carb taste. But, beauty and ugly is in the eye of the beholder. The worst tasting pipes that I have ever had was the first smoke in a Ferndown and one particular Pete that I no longer have. The Ferndown recovered quickly after being swabbed out with alcohol a few times. And, the Pete turned out to have a green briar taste of uncured new briar, which did not suit me nor my patience. Having been bit a few times by Petes, I no longer even consider those pipes. I shun them like rattlesnakes, once bitten... and all that.