Has anyone ever seen this ? Or more importantly, tried this ? I can't find another word for it than "the spiral pack" method.
A link to the video here
Thoughts ? I'm gonna give it a shot tonight. I think it would only work for a ribbon or shag tobacco though. Will keep you posted on results ;-)
now i will say it does work and burns well but i am a allday smoker and i just dont have the time or space to do this method now if yer a nightly smoker only and like to fiddle about with your leaf this is a fun way of goofing around with your baccy
I think over the years we all develop, refine, and use what works best for us. Like most I use different methods for some of my pipes, and different blends. I don't believe there is a "one size fits all" way to do anything in our hobby.
yeah pawpaw has a point, I don't have a nice open table that I don't mind getting tobacco crumbs all over for this method.
I bought a medium-sized clear bowl shaped ashtray that I use only for preparing tobacco to be packed ... works well for my purposes.
There was a thread that popped up on this forum not too long after I first joined that discussed this exact same video: The McGrane Method
I also uploaded a video to my Youtube Channel where I discussed this very method. Check it out. Worked pretty well for me the few times that I have tried it, but you have to have the right kind of tobacco to do it. If anyone wants a link to the video, PM me because it is not really appropriate to post here.
I use the spiral pack with ribbon cuts and assuming the pipe is suitable. A wide shallow bowl doesn't seem to work quite as well with it. I would say this is my prefered method of packing these days.
This was agreed by most on this forum to be called the "Harry" method, after the first person we could recall that demonstrated it. I use it regularly, but it works best with small to medium billiard or pokers for me. I like it because it looks like a magic trick. If I'm out in the weather, though, I use the geezer grab. HERE is the original discussion post.