So, the dentist recommends a tongue biopsy

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Might Stick Around
Sep 14, 2011
Got back from the dentist a little bit ago. More accurately, the oral surgeon with an office right next door to my regular dentist.
Oral surgeon recommends that I get a tongue biopsy for tongue dysplasia, which is apparently pre oral cancer cells on the side of my tongue. He said that the tongue sample would have to be analyzed under a microscope to determine if the cells are cancerous or pre cancerous or just normal. Not sure what the treatment plan would be yet if it is pre-cancerous.
I suppose I'm going to do it, because I would prefer to be safe rather than sorry.
But I'm sitting here thinkin', I'm 24 years old, and been smoking a pipe for only about four years... and even then, not an extraordinary amount. Half a dozen pipes per week I would figure. Maybe they just noticed that I have two insurances and are kind of fishing to make money off of someone with a history of smoking. Then again, I suppose it could happen to a non smoker too...
Anyone have any thoughts on the situation, or experience going through it?



Apr 17, 2012
Better safe then sorry...if they are just looking to bleed your insurance, who cares.

Jul 15, 2011
If you believe the quacks running around in the media, everything from vegetables to electric toothbrushes can cause cancer. Just because you smoke a pipe, I wouldn't automatically read into the fact that the smoking is what is causing the problem, even if there is a problem to be found. My brother in laws mother was diagnosed with lung cancer 4 months ago and the woman never picked up a cigarette in her lifetime, and she is currently 67 years of age. Also, from what I have read, oral cancer is supposed to be very treatable. But it's kind of like my father always told me, no need in worrying about something that isn't a problem yet. I have confidence that no matter what happens, you'll be fine.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 14, 2011
I have to agree with Pipe Novelist on this one. Try not to worry too much, it can drive ya batty!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
Safer then sorry. Idiot think saving money would ever be worth the risk of cancer and what it can do to you.

It does stink that after 4 years they already noticed something. You can only hope that it isn't cancerous and that you don't have to give up the pipe.

Good luck and let us know.



Feb 8, 2012
if you think theres fishing for more money get a second oppinion. I hate to say it there is a chance this is a insurance scam all be it a small one but it happens.



Jan 31, 2011
Just my opinion, but I'd find a pure, natural, organic vit C supplement and take a lot of it before I'd do anything else (not the stuff they sell at the grocery store or walgreens). Do a search on the subject and educate yourself out alternative information on any and all health/nutrition related issues. Again, just my opinion.
EDIT: Just wanted to add, there are few things in this world more diabolical than the "cancer industry", imo.



Sep 1, 2011
Better safe than sorry. Have it checked and who find out. I had a Dr. freak me out once because I had a white spot on my lower gums. I went to the dentist and she laughed. Said it was just calcification and is very normal, nothing to worry about.
I did recently read some thing saying to rinse your mouth after smoking and that would reduce mouth cancer rate and better yet brush with baking soda after smoking. Not sure where I saw it but I do it more to get rid of the smokers breath my wife is not to fond of.
Good luck and keep us posted.



Can't Leave
Apr 26, 2012
Always worth getting checked. Two years ago a Dr. suggested that breathing difficulty I was having might be thyroid cancer. I got it checked out and wound up having a tennis ball sized thyroid tumor removed. Now all is well. I will keep you in my prayers. Just don't let your imagination drive you mad in the meantime.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 5, 2011
What prompted this? Did he see something, or did he have prior knowledge that you were a pipe enthusiast?

As soon as they hear certain words, they see dollar signs and insurance approvals. Not to play dentist, and safer than sorry, etc., but I don't trust any medical professional with certain info.



Might Stick Around
Sep 14, 2011
Danno, they point blank ask on the new patient paperwork if you have a history of smoking. I figured I would rather have an informed dentist, not much point in paying some guy to look at me if I don't give them the info to do their job.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 19, 2012
Oral cancer risk worries me as well. I am only 19 and only smoke once a day or less. I do think there is alot of propaganda out there though and oral cancer is not all that common. Genes play a big role in your susceptibility to cancer. Eating healthy with regular exercise, brushing teeth and using mouthwash should all help. There are carcinogens in nearly everything we eat so best not to worry.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
You can get a second opinion from a dentist or oral surgeon. My dentist has been looking at my mouth and tongue for 41 years! I smoke five to eight pipes per day since age 12! I am age 62 and healthy. I maintain physical fitness with a daily exercise routine (very important). A second opinion can't cost that much. Then proceed according to what you find out. If something isn't right, better to find out now rather than later.




Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I always answer "no" on forms with a question about smoking. The reason is that they only equate it with smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. They don't get it, and they don't want to get it.
If I am asked during an exam, then I will tell them that I smoke pipes and cigars occasionally.
Anyway, good luck with your issue, and think positive.



Dec 29, 2011
I don't post a whole lot, but when I saw the subject I just had to add my own two cents. First off, I really hope that you don't have cancer. The wife has had it twice and I got a crash course when her doctor of some twelve years tried to dump her as a patient when it was discovered that she had cancer after he had told her for 6 months that she didn't have cancer. Doctors are human.
In any event....if you suspect that you might have a cancer, get yourself to a cancer hospital. For the most part they are very compassionate people. We are fortunate here to have M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. People come from all over the world to go to Anderson. They really turned our situation around and the wife is cancer free.
Go to a hospital where they know what they are doing....misdiagnosis is a fact of life. Early detection is a must.
God speed.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2010
i also hope the tests are negative--so hang in there and definitely look into the situation--
smoking anything can cause cancer--also smoking nothing will not keep you from contracting cancer--
a very dear friend has had cancer of the tongue--she NEVER had any form of tobacco in her system at any time--she is alive and well today because she had it checked out--



Aug 14, 2011
Honesty is the best policy. But I also mark "NO" when a paper prompts if I'm a smoker or not.
I will tell whatever official I'm being seen by about my occasional smoking, but I will never put on paper that I am a smoker.
Because the understanding between the different forms is undeveloped.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 24, 2012
I think if a doc feels there is a problem then its worth at least getting it checked out. Get a second if it makes you feel better but the sooner cancer is found the better your chances of beating it. Best wishes and keep us posted.



May 29, 2011
I had a white patch on my tongue awhile back, and the dentist also recommended I have my tongue biopsied. 6 months later, the white patch was gone. Thing is, I would have had it biopsied if my insurance would pay for it, which it wouldn't unless I went to a surgeon, as opposed to an ORAL surgeon. Of course, this is not medical advice, just my experience. I am 51 and have been smoking a pipe for over 30 years. If you are concerned, get a second opinion or have the procedure done to allay all doubt.



Might Stick Around
Feb 7, 2012
We don't know your family medical history. Smoking is not the inherent cause of all cancers, even all oral cancers.
Go to another dentist, get a second opinion before authorizing the biopsy. Years ago, a dentist wanted to treat someone I knew ... the proposed treatment plan not only used up all the insurance, it put that person about $3,000 into debt. Of course, the dentist would finance it.
The second opinion said: No, you need an onlay. The tooth is more than conservable. After insurance, it'll run about $450.
Needless to say, the first dentist never got the person's business again.
Get the second opinion. If they think it's possible, go for the biopsy.

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