I've spent the last several days going through old threads and posts and I've noticed there are a LOT of forum members who haven't been heard from during the last two years... basically during the pandemic. And of course, I sometimes have a tendency to think the worse, but I wonder how many of those members were lost to covid, and we simply don't know it.
It's so sad. If their alive, I hope their doing well. If they've passed, I hope they're in a better place and their families and loved ones are making it ok.
As an Earth scientist and someone who knows a thing or two about extinction events, I always knew something like this would happen... I just didn't think it would be in my lifetime. Not to say this is an extinction event, but it could be the start of something much larger. So many of the events over the course of earth's history were a conglomeration of multiple factors, not just one thing like the KT event that wiped out the dinosaurs. But we are undergoing severe global climate change, and people have no idea what that means until it hits them in the face. There's a lot happening on this ball we live on and most of it is not good. It would not surprise me a bit if over the next 500 years this period. since the start of the industrial revolution and onward will be looked at as the beginning of a global level extinction event. You can't see these things until your looking back in time. Humans may be smart, but they're also pretty damn stupid. Well, ok, that's all I got to say about that.
It's so sad. If their alive, I hope their doing well. If they've passed, I hope they're in a better place and their families and loved ones are making it ok.
As an Earth scientist and someone who knows a thing or two about extinction events, I always knew something like this would happen... I just didn't think it would be in my lifetime. Not to say this is an extinction event, but it could be the start of something much larger. So many of the events over the course of earth's history were a conglomeration of multiple factors, not just one thing like the KT event that wiped out the dinosaurs. But we are undergoing severe global climate change, and people have no idea what that means until it hits them in the face. There's a lot happening on this ball we live on and most of it is not good. It would not surprise me a bit if over the next 500 years this period. since the start of the industrial revolution and onward will be looked at as the beginning of a global level extinction event. You can't see these things until your looking back in time. Humans may be smart, but they're also pretty damn stupid. Well, ok, that's all I got to say about that.