Ok question. Say im smoking a bowl and I don't feel up to finish it. Can I leave the tobbacco in the pipe and finish it later that day, or the next day? I know people and myself do it with cigars.
Yes and yes, absolutely!Can I leave the tobbacco in the pipe and finish it later that day, or the next day?
Dunno if DGT will work for a wet heel. I'd suggest every now and then you smoke a quarter or third of a bowl full, smoking it to the end so the heat drives out most of the moisture in the briar.So I have two newer stack/chimney pipes that I have been trying to break in. But I’m struggling. I never (almost ever) have the time to smoke them to the bottom. And the bottom of the bowl gets very moist after an hour, even employing all the standard tricks. Maybe DGT would be the ticket? I’ve never really tried it. Maybe if I smoked straight Virginia’s and ser it down and came back the next day the last third would fire up and taste good. I will have to give this a try.
Adding this to the list of wonderful,evocative prose gleaned from this forum.But, burleys get a butt funk going on.