Smoking the Same Bowl the Next Day

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Jul 1, 2018
Ok question. Say im smoking a bowl and I don't feel up to finish it. Can I leave the tobbacco in the pipe and finish it later that day, or the next day? I know people and myself do it with cigars.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 8, 2017
Personally, I think cigars taste terrible when left for more than an hour and then relit.

Pipes on the other hand, I have had good experiences when relit. Sometimes improved flavours as well.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Yeh, I haven’t found any joy in relighting a cigar the next day. But, a nice Virginia or a VaPer, one that’s naturally on the sweet side or even acidic, I have found Nirvana smoking the last of a tall chamber the following day, or even longer. The Virginias stone while smoking if smoked very slow, and it caramelized the sugars. After setting something magical happens. But, burleys get a butt funk going on. Not very tasty... unless you like that flavor. Aromatics, nah, they are usually a Burley base, butt funk plus whatever the topping is, but much lighter. But, there are outliers. You just kind of have to get the “feel” for it, which blends might be best savored later. But, you don’t have to force it, saving a bowl for later. It just happens for me. Sometimes I will forget a pipe somewhere, or have to... stop and talk to someone, laying the pipe down for a while. I sometimes enjoy trying to guess what the tobacco is and maybe how long it had set on my rack with that half bowl in it. As a practice, maybe not so good, but as a pleasant serendipity every now and then, hit or miss... a roll of the dice, :puffy:



Dec 29, 2016
Can I leave the tobbacco in the pipe and finish it later that day, or the next day?
Yes and yes, absolutely!
I agree with Cosmic on the burley thing, but there are aromatics out there that are not burley based. In particular, my favorite, Vanilla Cream from Mac Baren. I've taken to smoking half a bowl in late morning and then finishing it in the evening.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
No problem as long as the tobacco in the heel isn't sopping wet. I leave several pipes on the counter in what would be a mud room if we had mud here, and finish them whenever—an hour, a day or many days.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Cigars generally go sour in about 30 minutes. I've smoked numerous bowls left over for hours. Virginia blends often tend to be better with some sitting time.
A little trick for cigars if you do have to leave one for a bit. Hold the flame of a torch about 1/2" to 1" in front of the end of the cigar. Blow out for 5 seconds a couple of time. Seems to almost suck out the bitter tars. This works as well if you're smoking a longer/bigger cigar and it starts to sour a bit.



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
That's called DGT (Delayed Gratification Technique). Some blends will get better and some won't. After all, it adds some spiciness and boldness to most of the blends I think. In some cases, that would be a disturbing kind of spicy taste. One thing I always do is throwing away the ash if I am not going to smoke the pipe for a while.
Regarding the cigars, if you are going to smoke it later do as below:

1) Blow through it to purge it.

2) Let the cigar sit on the ashtray and go out by itself.

3) Then take it and blow through it again. Make sure it is not burning anymore.

4) Using your cigar cutter just cut above the burning line (half an inch or so).
Here you go, you have a nice, almost new cigar.



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
Yes you can. I do it often without any issues. However some blends transform through the bowl. If you smoke one of these over a couple of days, you won't get the transformation the same way. IME these are blends with some dark fired where the dark fired becomes more and more pronounced as the bowl progresses. Old Dark Fired, Hal o' the Wynd, Scottish Cake etc. They all do this and they are best smoked in one sitting I think.



Jun 11, 2017
So I have two newer stack/chimney pipes that I have been trying to break in. But I’m struggling. I never (almost ever) have the time to smoke them to the bottom. And the bottom of the bowl gets very moist after an hour, even employing all the standard tricks. Maybe DGT would be the ticket? I’ve never really tried it. Maybe if I smoked straight Virginia’s and ser it down and came back the next day the last third would fire up and taste good. I will have to give this a try.



Feb 21, 2013
In a sense, this is mostly how I smoke a pipe, not always the next day, but intermittently. Usually a bowl is excellent the next day, sometimes a little better tasting and burning for the drying out. I can't always block out the thirty, forty, or sixty minutes for the whole bowl, so I puff when I can until the bowl is finished. Works fine. Just pack and tamp attentively.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
We used to have a member and moderator, Lawrence, who liked to save his dottle and dry them out and re-smoke them later. I believe Sherlock Holmes used to do this also. I am not that extreme, but I also don't see anything wrong with it. But, it seems to gross some members out.



Dec 18, 2015
Cobleskill, NY
And despite all of the above advice, don't feel odd if you don't like this DGT. I tried it for a couple of months thinking that I was just missing something, purposely saving the bowl for the next day. I just don't enjoy it. I tried Cosmic's ideas of sweet Virginias, and everything. I just find the day old tobacco to taste a bit off to me no matter what I do.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
So I have two newer stack/chimney pipes that I have been trying to break in. But I’m struggling. I never (almost ever) have the time to smoke them to the bottom. And the bottom of the bowl gets very moist after an hour, even employing all the standard tricks. Maybe DGT would be the ticket? I’ve never really tried it. Maybe if I smoked straight Virginia’s and ser it down and came back the next day the last third would fire up and taste good. I will have to give this a try.
Dunno if DGT will work for a wet heel. I'd suggest every now and then you smoke a quarter or third of a bowl full, smoking it to the end so the heat drives out most of the moisture in the briar.



Aug 25, 2016
To echo some of the members above, I have had good luck relighting a pipe of Virginia many hours later. However, I have not enjoyed relighting any other type of tobacco, so I don't do it unless I'm smoking Virginia.
Regarding the "DGT" (Delayed Gratification Technique), I always thought that was the most ridiculous name for relighting a bowl. 95% of the time (unless it's a Virginia) there is no gratification, and it's just nasty, like relighting a half-smoked cigarette (for those of you who are ex-cigarette smokers like me, or have enjoyed cigarettes).



Can't Leave
Feb 27, 2014
I've never had any joy coming back to a pipe after a few hours.
I suggest to gulfcowboy that he simply has half-pipes. That is, only use half the tobacco. No shame in it. It's not a contest of manliness

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