I've found the act of smoking ,particularly in a quiet way and while sitting is very close to meditation. It brings natural rythmic breathing, the mind focuses on details of the act of smoking or some other small thing to such great and tiny detail or else random unexamined thoughts that seem to drift as lazily as the smoke itself. . . the analogy of the mind like the fog of pipe smoke has always allowed me to reach a calm centeredness that nothing else can. In fact since Is tarted the pipe my normal 1-2 hours to fall to sleep has been reduced to 20 minutes to an hour, the twenty being commonplace on days I smoked a pipe before bed, and the hour days I didn't.
In other words, and I know this may be unfounded and (unlikely) possibly coincidental, but a lifetime of severe rotations from the extremes of insomnia and narcolepsy has been alleviated, not entirely mind, but to a massively relieving point since starting up with the pipe. And I have not had a single night where I was not able to sleep at all, although I have had a couple that after a little over an hour I went out with my little ten-minute smoker (a black clay) and was asleep almost as soon as I lie down afterwards.
On the other hand the presciption meds the FDA touts, the ones I was given that made me violently ill, that made me mentally unstable (even moreso than weeks of insomnia at its worst will do to you), that did not work at all, that made me physically and painfully more exhausted than I already was without allowing me to actually sleep and made me clouded in the haze of drugs to boot (barbituates, god only knows why drug seekers actually like the damned things) --- all these things they swear by did absolutely nothing good, but something they'd crucify someone for claiming has any benefits has helped me more in 3 months than anything has in my life.
Sorry -- that was a bit off topic. What I really want to say is that yes, it does appear (for some people in the least) either the chemicals of pipe smoke, or the ritual of pipe smoking itself do facilitate a greater calm, peace of mind, or otherwise ease of sleep.