Yeah, how come customs doesn't check my suitcase full of tobacco when I cross the border each day?! :lol:Perhaps that is a question that you shouldn't ask too loudly, if you catch my drift...
The referred to Q6:EXCEPTIONS
9. Are there exceptions for certain public places
where smoking may be allowed? Yes.
- Hotel and motel rooms that are rented to
guests and are designated as smoking
- Outdoor areas except those listed
specifically in Question 6*;
- Outdoor seating areas of restaurants
designated as smoking areas in
accordance with the ordinance;
- Private clubs (non-profit, fraternal
organizations in existence as of the
effective date of this chapter including
Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) posts;
- Private residences, except when used as a
licensed childcare, adult day care, or
health care facility;
- Retail tobacco stores; provided, however,
that smoke from these places does not
infiltrate into areas where smoking is
prohibited under the provisions of this
chapter; and
- Tobacco product manufacturing facilities.
Search a little deeper, and you also find this:6. Where is smoking prohibited outdoors?
Smoking is prohibited in the following outdoor
places: San Antonio Zoo facilities and grounds; in all
outdoor sports arenas, stadiums, and amphitheaters;
within 20 feet of all outdoor public transportation
stations, platforms, and shelters under the authority of
the city; and in all pavilions and playgrounds located
with city-owned parks.
All found on the city of San Antonio website.(11) Restaurants, except for enclosed bar areas, enclosed dining areas and outdoor seating areas designated as smoking in accordance with subsection 36-9(d); provided, however, that:
a. All outdoor seating areas so designated as smoking shall provide a non-smoking area therein;
b. Persons under the age of eighteen (18) years shall not be admitted in any enclosed bar area or enclosed dining area so designated as smoking; and
c. A restaurant may only have either an enclosed bar area or an enclosed dining area and may not have both.