I've noticed an interesting pattern in my smoking. I really enjoy both aromatics and English blends, but I smoke them very differently. When I smoke aromatic tobaccos, I find myself lighting a new bowl almost as soon as I finish the last one. But when I smoke English blends, I seem to feel satisfied much longer afterward, and I'll sometimes go an hour or more before I reach for another bowl.
I'm wondering if maybe it's due to a higher sugar content of aromatics. If I have a bag of candy in front of me, I'll often eat the whole bag (sometimes instead of eating dinner), and I'm wondering if the aromatic tobaccos are triggering the same craving for a constant sugar intake that I get when I eat candy.
I'm wondering if maybe it's due to a higher sugar content of aromatics. If I have a bag of candy in front of me, I'll often eat the whole bag (sometimes instead of eating dinner), and I'm wondering if the aromatic tobaccos are triggering the same craving for a constant sugar intake that I get when I eat candy.