I am on a crusade .. again, against smoking fags, episode 649. This time around I am trying hard, so I guess I smoked a pack in total since the start of the year ... opposite to where more than a couple of years back I started smoking cigarettes only when having a drink with friends. Now, I do manage without them when having a drink, but I substituted them with a pipe or a Toscano cigar, or three, when having a drink ... or three. So where I was smoking a bowl daily, or every other day, with a bit of increase over the weekend and fags when having drinks, now I smoke a bowl almost every day, and if having drinks I smoke a bowl or two, or a bowl or a couple of Toscanos - depends on how long I sit and chat with the entourage I drink. What I have noticed though, perhaps not immediately, but over the past month or so my throat (not my mouth) is dry more often than usual. It doesn't hurt, I don't usually cough, but it is a dry sensation. It goes away if I drink a bit of water, but after a while it dires again. Maybe this will go away if stop smoking, I have noticed that it tones down if I don't smoke on a particular day, but picks up on the following day when I smoke a bowl or a cigar. Is that ok? Do you guys have similar experiences? Should I worry? Do I smoke a lot? Should I cut back on puffing? What do you think?