IMHO, a non-inhaling pipe-smoker is NOT a smoker. There is no irrefutable evidence that pipe smokers cost ins. companies any more than non-smokers. That would be my attitude in applying for insurance. Chewing, inhaling anything, and cigarette smoking are different, but a pipe-smoker's health is by-and-large unaffected by his/her smoking enjoyment.
I read a story the other day about the state of NC state employee health coverage. The legislature dropped the distinction between smokers and non-smokers because it was too difficult to enforce and maintain.
Seems to me a non-smoking bartender or waitress working in a smoking-allowed bar (or even a non-smoking customer) would be much more affected by nicotene, etc., than a regular pipe-smoker. When applying for health insurance, the bartender would answer truthfully that he/she does not "use tobacco in any form."