Smokeybears Tobacco Journal Entry and Review: Bell's - Three Nuns

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Dec 21, 2012




Bell's - Three Nuns
Tin Note: There it is again, that Vinegar smell i dislike. However this time it has hints of Fig and dried fruit which i enjoy but i cannot stand the smell of vinegar. 2 out of 4
Initial Light: This Blend lit extremely well. The flame took at first lite right after the false lite process and started off with a nice even burn. The taste however was very harsh and had a slight chemical like feel to it which was irritating my mouth. But this is about the burn and that took really well. 3 out of 4
Mid-Smoke: Kentucky burley seems to be a lot stronger then other burleys i have tried and it drowns out the Virginia a lot more then i would like it to. You can taste the Virginia trying to fight its way to the top now and then but it always seems to fall back down under the immense pressure of this burley. Result is a mild yet earthy smoke which is enjoyable in the sense that its burning so good that you enjoy smoking it however for me the taste and flavor just wasn't there. 2 out of 4
Bottom of the Bowl: The bowl was getting hot at this point also there was a little gurgle due to it smoking wet, Note to self always add more dry time then you think you need with this blend. i passed a pipe cleaner and dumped out the ash and proceeded with the smoke, still burning well. In terms of taste i believe at this point the blend has finally settled to a semi-sweet earthy flavor and decided to stay at this point for the remainder of the smoke. Therefore the bottom of the bowl is the best part of this blend for me. 3 out of 4
Room Note: I swear i was able to smell this blend when i walked in to grab a bottle of water(Water!!,that's for sick people, as my uncle always says)it was a hot day and the heat was getting to me, but when i got back out it smelt like sweet grass outside and my wife also confirmed that. 3 out of 4
Dottle: It burn very well and the ash was clearly there, however at the bottom of the bowl it was wet and made some semi-goop stuff in the draft hole of my pipe.
Smoking Duration: This smoke was about 45min.
Overall: This is one of the best blends i have smoked in terms of how well the tobacco burns and how evenly the smoke draws, however it did not delivery in flavor for me and was not in any form substantial. I have one sealed tin in my cellar and i plan on revisiting this blend in a year or two to see how much a few years of aging would change it. It scores a 13 out of 20 which is a good score and it only got this score due to how easy it was to smoke.
1) 1-2hours Dry time

2) Rub out and three step method for packing worked really well



Jul 29, 2013
I'd say our experiences with the Nuns is very similar. It's not a bad smoke, but I just don't find VA/Burs very exciting, complex or satisfying. It does get better about mid-bowl, but before that it is a struggle to really find much enjoyment getting there.
I think a good dash or two of blending perique into the tin would make this better and restore it to what it "should" be.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 10, 2013
Cincinnati, OH USA
I got a tin I have not tried yet but am looking forward to it! Posting on is always a good idea. It gets your review out there and you then have an electronic version of all of your tobacco reviews which you can go back and look at.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 2, 2013
Smoking the Sample now and it is very boring, I don't think I could get into a tin of this with this first impression. It's not horrible but not enjoyable either. Very... One note.



Dec 21, 2012
Yes I use my spreadsheet to take quick notes as I smoke it helps me remember what I think of the blend as I smoke it. As for the older version of three nuns I never tried it and probably never will so I don't really care for it. But this version like you said is a blend of it's own and I personally did not find it that substantial and I think it's hyped up way to much. But that's just my opinion.



Jul 29, 2013
I smoked some 10-15 year old Three Nuns tonight and I can't say I was impressed. Now my understanding of Three Nuns is that it has been perique-less for some time now before its recent reintroduction to the US market. So my thinking is that despite this being aged for a decade or so that it may be the same blending as the current incarnation we have become acquainted with.
If so, that would explain why it tastes like the current Three Nuns. Despite being aged I can't find a discernible difference between 10 year old or 1 year old tins. None. It looks darker with the age and it has a more raisin note to it than the earthier smell of the current tin, but that is where the differences end.
It smoked the same, tasted the same and only got a bit better midway through.
Anyone who can confirm or deny my suspicions?

Dec 24, 2012
An enjoyable review to read. YMMV = your mileage may vary (it's some form of non-metric slang that only the US folks understand)



Mar 20, 2014
I'm just getting around to smoking my 3 Nuns for the crawl and agree that the first thing I thought of was tossing in a shot of blending Perique. A couple more bowls before I weigh in officially though.



Dec 21, 2012
Perique would definitely add a peppery element to the blend providing you like that, however I like to age blends with perique so that it tones down the peppery taste. I would add a little more virginia and maybe a dash of perique to this blend and age it.

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