As a former Marine - and, chronically cranky curmudgeon - I can tell you I absolutely detest that
"Thank-you for your Service" non-sense when it comes from some Starbucks-swilling, Ribbon-of-the-Week wearing, Oprah-watching, Soccer-Mom, who overhears me talking with another Vet; or, is taking my personal in-take information and asks about my Vet-status.
I look them dead in the eye, and flatly respond:
"Exactly which of the specific Acts-of-Service that I performed as a United States Marine are you thanking me for?".
These self-serving, lip-service types instantly get that
'Deer caught in the headlights' look, stammer, get visibly nervous, and
rather than simply come clean that they are reflexively glad-handing me some empty-headed lip-service
which makes THEM feel good about themselves, instead they exit stage-left, faster than if someone lit a rag under their butt.
It sort of like publicly 'Pantsing' and exposing these trendy-phonies.
I don't even know how this disingenuous
"Thank you for your Service" nonsense got started in the first place; but whomever it was needs a
Blanket Party.
- Sherm '
Get Offa My Lawn' Natman