On another thread, seacaptain said he got rid of a Savinelli because it was too small, but it was the best smoking pipe he ever had. Let me beseech thee, one and all, to keep one or several small pipes for their many good uses. First of all, you can get a full-length smoke, an hour or so, out of most small pipes smoking flake/plug/rope...so there's that. Also, they serve excellent purposes sampling blends, assessing full-strength blends before you dive headlong into them, and always, for getting a short smoke with loose tobacco, or a good quick nicotine dose with a strong blend like Five Brothers. Years ago now, fish'n'banjo put me on to small pipes, which I had always seen as toys or souvenirs. He didn't carp about it, like i'm doing here, but he hinted that for some purposes they are just right. When I bought several, I discovered, boy is he right. Keep your good small pipes and rediscover their many talents.