Should I stop?

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Might Stick Around
Jul 29, 2018
I really need to stop.

I have bought no less than 5lbs of tobacco in varying blends. I've only been able to try firing up my newly found pipes twice in the last week.
But how do I know what I will and won't like if I don't try different things?
I just had my $15 ebay find come in yesterday...a vintage "Smokers Inn" poker. Wow, this thing is purdy.


one more pipe...a Mr. still on the way from Poland.



Jun 6, 2017
The path to hell is paved with good tobacco.
You should stop now and give all you have to the less fortunate.
I hope the postman gets here soon.... :puffy:



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Is this a cry for help? :)
I say if you can afford it, and you like it, why stop really? If you have a tin or blend that you really don't care for, you can cellar it for a while and see if you like it later on. If not, you can easily sell it to another enthusiast.
As for the pipes, if you get a good pipe for a good price, that's a win in my book.
Just keep an eye on your finances and you are all good - same for any hobby or past time.



Might Stick Around
Jul 29, 2018
I will have 4 briars in my a handful of cobs I threw in with a baccy order.
This Smoker's Inn is really nice...I really like how it feels and sits.
I know I'm going to like Latakia blends. I really liked the 17 English Lux I tried the other night. I have a good assortment of aromatics to try and just placed an order for Lane 125th and a Plum Pudding (both regular and SR) and a couple more tins of aro. I tend to like stronger, spicier foods, so we'll see how the VaPer blends go. Oh, and I ordered some Edgeworth Ready Rubbed clone also.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2018
I've been at it for only four weeks and have collected 4.25 lbs of many different blends and 4 pipes. Most of my tobaccos are English, but I recently acquired some Virginias, VaPers, and Lakelands, as well as blending tobaccos to learn how the individual tobaccos smell and taste on their own.
Lots more to learn and experience.



Feb 21, 2013
Very pretty poker. I'm not sure what you are doing with your tobacco purchases. I'd keep the quantities small while you sample a lot of different genres and blends of each. I wouldn't stock up on anything you haven't sampled in a small quantity -- an ounce or two of bulk, one pouch, or one tin. Jar and save what you don't like to see if it improves with age, or more likely, that your tastes evolve and develop. I'd hold off on buying more than a couple of ounces of anything while you are trying a lot of different blends, even if you "fall in love" with a blend. It's easy to end up with a pound or two of a blend you soon outgrow. As you may know, Lakeland aromatics are known for ghosting pipes, imparting a flavor that does not go away, so designate a specific corncob pipe for smoking those. Some feel the same way about strong Latakia blends, but that is mostly people with especially sensitive taste buds -- you'll know if that's you.



Might Stick Around
Jul 29, 2018
mso, I've only bought 2-3 oz of each bulk blend, and a tin or pouch of the ones I can't get in bulk. I don't have pounds of any one blend, but probably several pounds total spread out over the different blends. We'll just see how it goes. My biggest hurdle for now will be learning HOW to make the pipe smoke. From the ones I've tried so far, I have liked them, but we'll see how things go.
I know what you mean about outgrowing or evolving tastebuds. I have evolved from drinking strictly Dos Equis to porters, stouts and pale ales. I imagine the same will be here. But so far, I like what I'm tasting... My boxer thinks it's funny to see me with a pipe as opposed to a cigar though. The other dogs don't seem to care.



Can't Leave
May 4, 2012
I started my piping hobby with a strong leaning towards Latakia. Eventually i got a little burned out on it, and started liking Virginias, so now I am sitting on a large stock pile of English blends like Penzance which I almost never smoke. So definitely give yourself some time to learn what you like and develop your palate before you go too crazy buying tobacco! :)



Jun 6, 2017
I've learned rather quickly from my own smoking and also from listening to the likes of MSO & Chasing Embers. Latakia is tasty and unique. But it's also powerful and easy to over-use.
I've got a few lat bombs in the war chest, however, I'm now seeking out the blends that use a lighter hand with it and result in a more balanced experience. Right now, that's Gawith & Hoggarth's Scotch Mixture, John Bull's Royal English and GL Pease Westminster.
So many 'baccies, so little time....



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
I would slow down a bit. The joy of buying should not overshadow the actual smoking experience. Essential to pipe smoking is being able to be content with and savour one particular pipe and blend at a time.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Ill start out admitting I'm prejudiced in favor of latakia. *Straight* latakia. However I also happen to love some really stellar aromatics. Workman's advice I'd good -- give yourself a chance to get good experience with a blend at a time to help find out what you really like, whether it be a wide range or a narrow niche.



Might Stick Around
Jul 18, 2018
Nice looking pipe. I've been eyeing up a poker for some time now. Just need to find the right one at the right price.



Can't Leave
Feb 4, 2015
If you can afford it, there's no shame it buying a lot of tobacco!

Get some half pint canning jars and store each different blends in a jar. Sounds like you might need to grab a couple flats of them. They're about $12 for a flat of 12 at Walmart, etc.

Try as much as you can. If you are buying bulks that you've never tried, no reason to not just get an ounce to try.

Have fun! Don't over think it!

Oh, and let the tobacco dry a bit before packing your pipe!



Can't Leave
Feb 27, 2014
It is very easy to get on the acquisition train. I have gone through this with watches, knives, pipes, fountain pens and guitars.

It is so much easier to indulge this failing if you are buying online. Just a click and it's done. Then you have the thrill of anticipation, the joy of the early morning delivery, and most importantly....finding what you can buy which is even better!
I suggest you discipline yourself (not like that!). Just set a limit. You can only buy tobacco on the first day of the month and you can only spend $100.



Aug 20, 2013
Buying pipes and tobacco dominated my budget for the entire time I was in it, especially in the first 10 years. It can take you over.

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