Humans were barely monkeys out of trees when we started playing with fire, and smoking a pipe isn't so hard that one of these former monkeys couldn't do it. I did have the luxury of growing up around pipe guys, codger scoops, fire it up, tamp it, and then just stick it in your mouth and leave it there. And, unless you had something very important to say, you did not start blathering away at a man with a pipe in clench. That was all I knew, and from there I found it easy to figure out.
Of course, if you never saw anyone smoke a pipe, then maybe you wouldn't know where to put the tobacco, or how to make fire, or which end goes in your mouth. And, this is why we are here. We help the average monkey fresh out of the tree know which end of the pipe to stick where. And, this keeps us vastly entertained. I feel all self-important, and giggle at some of our suggestions. Except of course when someone catches me doing something completely wrong with my pipes, like fishing termites out of a tree for a snack, or opening bananas, or cracking coconuts with my pipes, or smoking a goopy aromatic... embarrassing. Yes, yes, we all relapse sometimes. While it is a relatively easy thing to do, sometimes my inner monkey will have me scratching my back with the odd Savinelli laying about.
What was the question again?