For years now I have only been smoking 3 or 4 blends on any sort of a regular basis. The one constant, every single day blend for me has been PS Luxury Twist Flake. Seriously, I am nearing codger status here. It has been my absolute favorite blend for years! That has changed in the last month or so. I got really sick a number of weeks ago. Since then, I am not getting the flavors from my favorite blend. Deep Winter has set in, as well. There is another blend I have been smoking, and it has been great, to the point that I have purchased over 2lbs of it the last couple weeks. It has knocked LTF off its throne, at least for now. I don’t know if it’s lingering effects of my illness, the change of seasons, or simply a palate thing. I’m still smoking LTF at least once a day out of sheer stubbornness just to try and dial it back in, lol.