Nice job SD, Your coming along with your shaping and your rustication looks great. Only thing I see that you need to really work on, which can be difficult is your stem to shank junction, but once you get that figured out, you'll be making some nice looking smokers.
Keep up the good work.
@bigvan-I'm also doing the drill'in, all freehand at this point no tools except for a hand-drill and small dremel, thanks for kind words on this carve
@smokindawg-thanks brother, again no bench tools; band-saw, drill-press, belt-sander, etc. and hope to get those for x-mas which will solve that look/feel
So wait, I'm missing something... did you cut the stem?
I also agree with smokindawg, the "inside elbow" where the stem meets the shank is a bit shallow. But given your limited set of tools, I think you're doing a great job.