Scandinavian Tobacco Group: C'Est La Vie French Vanilla Review

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 5, 2021

This is a rather inexpensive pack and probably alluring to a novice getting into the habit.

Scent is vanilla, of course. Not overly synthetic and fairly mellow, perhaps a bit plucky? This one burns a bit hotter than normal and nic is fairly mild. Tastes of Great Value Walmart French Vanilla ice cream and a little hay.

It's hard to describe as it's a little rough around the edges, having tried so many vanillas in my day, and I'm a big aromatic fan.. not unlike Sutliff Vanilla 1M but a bit cheaper by a notch.

Reminds me of if you were in Paris and you met a girl who seemed intriguing, but you're 46 and she's 23 and has a tattoo and seems modern and intelligent, so you go on a road trip with her in a Citroen you rent to Czech Republic to buy some crystal. She's always surprisingly broke and you slowly discover her hygiene habits are native to France during the closed quarters; but she's playful and a bit sexually charged so you sort of put that aside even though in this tobacco there's an odd hint of female urine distantly as is your road trip with your unshaven 23-year-old, dowsed in high-end-knockoff vanilla perfume. Over the course of your trip you learn more about her and discover the difference between a baby and a 23 year old is that a baby can't tell you her ideas of life but they're on-par and you start to wish she wouldn't talk so much because you start to not like her and wish you hadn't rented that car in the first place. The promise of intimacy at that motel in Prague is less interesting now and her scent is becoming annoying now, and you've got 100 km to go still and you discover that tattoo had no meaning like your whole relationship is turning out and she has an Only Fans site and wants to be a movie star and flunked out of art school. You start to resent her lack of deodorant that at first you thought was primal and sexy, mostly because you're put-off by all her stupid comments on her worldly knowledge of politics and history are completely juvenile and you realize your music tastes are 20 years apart and she has no idea who The Beatles or Rush are, and she's annoyed with things "before she was born" in Millennial fashion.

C'est La Vie means, "Such is life." It's fitting. It's a melancholy vanilla. It suggests promises but is depressing and perfect to smoke to during a both-sides Pink Floyd album on a rainy Sunday at that motel and Monique is disappointingly inexperienced and you start to think of all your life choices that got you here and you lied to yourself.

It's not awful, by any means. It can be an all-day-smoke, sure, but it's basic and vanilla and just okay and you know, like Monique, will never amount to your lofty expectations. I like it, actually. It's a sad vanilla and I like it and I'm probably not okay as a person and it tastes like regret ... and I want more.

Somewhat recommended if you're into The Cure.


Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I've met a few women in Paris, but none as interesting as the one you wrote about, but not as off-putting either. Great writing!