I posted a review not long ago, but will repost it even though you already bought five tins. If you like tobaccos in this genre, you'll like this. Should age well, too.
The Virginias are naturally citrusy sweet, grassy with a little earthiness. I taste a little honey, too. The dark fired spicey, woody Kentucky is an important player, adding some flavor depth and strength. There is a fair amount of raisiny, peppery perique that plays well with the Kentucky spice as it tingles the tongue. You'll want something to drink while you smoke it. The tobacco is coin cut, but very easy to break part or fold and stuff as you please. It's very reminiscent of MacBaren's Three Nuns in several ways, which is no surprise since MacBaren manufactures both mixtures. It's stronger and spicier than Three Nuns was in any version. Consider this to be a hot-to-trot kissing cousin to the new Three Nuns. It burns well with a meaty consistent flavor with no bite or dullness, and no dottle.