whats everyone doing on their Saturday morning? its 130pm here now but im just wondering what everyones up to today. i changed the oil in my truck and popped a new air filter in my quad. how bout you guys??
Gonna ride the quad. We have alot of trails around the house and its kinda peaceful to cruise the woods. Then IDK. Just one of those days where I get to do what I want to. Well, every weekend is for me. Im not married. LOL
Doing the security check at my shop. The boys were in doing some printing earlier trying to stay caught up because we're so busy. Probably hang out with the wife later this afternoon. Maybe see a movie and dinner.
i drove my brother to the school, he is on the track team and they had to clean up the track today. Then i went back to sleep for an hour, woke up had bowl, and a cup of joe. Now I'm getting ready to go to work
It's 7.30pm here in the UK and I will shortly be having a pipe of Squadron Leader.It's been a quiet day,a bit of grocery shopping this morning and playing some chess with my grandaughter this afternoon.
Well ordered my first custom pipe. Working on the cabinets for my work truck, then going to Starbucks wife the wife for a quick break. I'll then take one of the dogs for a walk and enjoy a nice bowl full of some Macbaren's Vanilla Cream I think, the tobacco is subject to change.
Was at my dads house getting the yard ready for the wedding on the 19th. Stopped at Cigars Plus picks up 4oz of some house english, bought a new Sav in celebration of new house, now home catching up on the forum, playing with my son, and just hangin.
I went to my Congressional district convetion if I had the money I could have been a delegate for the national convention in FL but I will be happy to attend the state convention again this year.
Worked last night, so I slept most of the day away. Now just hanging out, enjoying a bowl before going to the grocery store. Later on, I'll be working again all night as usual.