It is listed at Tobacco Reviews. I reviewed it there. Samuel Gawith - Hansom Flake (Pipes & Cigars Exclusive) - Tobacco Reviews - anybody had this? What is it? I think it's a new blend ... I saw the pic in another forum, and I captured it with my phone screenshot function. I wasn't able to find a review on, heck it's not even listed there. So I thought to ask y'all knowledgeable people.
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Not sure what the heck it was like before the tinning fiasco earlier in the year when the first batch came out (February as I recall), but I have gone through tins from the February release and I haven’t found even a hint of Lakeland, tonquin, chocolate or anything else. I really don’t think that is what the blend was intended to be, but by the time it got tinned, the topping had dissipated. This was true even of tins that made a nice whoosh on opening. Even the popped tins I got weighed 50g, which tells me the tobacco was dried out on packing.SHITS PLAIN