Same Tobacco with Different Name?

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Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
Topic for discussion: I was wondering the other day if tobacco manufacturers produce the same tobacco under different names. Unless my burnt out taste buds are incorrect, Lane Limited LL-7, Captain Black Copper and Casey Jones Beyond Brave are very similar if not the same tobacco. This might explain how Captain Black Copper is Out of Production but still can be gotten at West Virginia Pipe Shop. The answer may be that it is no longer mass marketed as Captain Black Copper, but still is being made under other names. I asked W.Va Pipe Shop how they could still have Captain Black Copper and they said that their distributor still delivers it to them. @JimInks would probably know this and so I ask him and all the forum with their thoughts on the topic. Thanks for your thoughts.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
All the companies around the world sell blends under different names under their own banner or for another company name. Many B&Ms change the names when they sell blends in bulk, too. Many companies make blends for certain B&Ms that aren't available anywhere else.

It's been a long time since I smoked CB Copper. The sample of Lane LL-7 that I tried was kind of dry, and that was years ago, too. I haven't tried Casey Jones Beyond Brave. My memory tells me that the first two were similar, but I was less thrilled with LL-7 for the reason I stated. I'd have to do a smoking session with them and the Beyond Brave to really answer the question.

If they are the same, it could be that Lane decided the profit margin for LL-7 was not strong enough in a pouch to continue marketing it in that manner.


Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
All the companies around the world sell blends under different names under their own banner or for another company name. Many B&Ms change the names when they sell blends in bulk, too. Many companies make blends for certain B&Ms that aren't available anywhere else.

It's been a long time since I smoked CB Copper. The sample of Lane LL-7 that I tried was kind of dry, and that was years ago, too. I haven't tried Casey Jones Beyond Brave. My memory tells me that the first two were similar, but I was less thrilled with LL-7 for the reason I stated. I'd have to do a smoking session with them and the Beyond Brave to really answer the question.

If they are the same, it could be that Lane decided the profit margin for LL-7 was not strong enough in a pouch to continue marketing it in that manner.
Thanks. I believe the only place you can still get Captain Black Copper is from W.Va. Pipe Shop. Casey Jones Beyond Brave is very similar, but as I noted my taste buds aren't like yours. You are amazing and pick out flavors I could never find. Keep up the good work.

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
Most loose cut vanilla aromatics all taste the same to me. Perhaps the topping has a tendency to mask certain flavor profiles, as this doesn't happen to me with non-aromatic blends; for example, I can taste the difference between OGS and Stokkebye Navy Flake. When I can't tell the difference though, I just stock up on the cheapest bulk option I can find, and in the vanilla aromatic group, Sutliff 1M gets the job done masterfully.

As always, YMMV.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 17, 2021
Central Florida
I just found out from another thread on these forums that Kendal dark, Kendal Kentucky, and even dark Birds Eye are now all the same tobacco sold under 3 different names. I actually ordered all 3 recently at smoking pipes and was smoking all 3 trying to tell the difference, only to find out here they are now all the same tobacco


Oct 13, 2021
I just found out from another thread on these forums that Kendal dark, Kendal Kentucky, and even dark Birds Eye are now all the same tobacco sold under 3 different names. I actually ordered all 3 recently at smoking pipes and was smoking all 3 trying to tell the difference, only to find out here they are now all the same tobacco
Yeah, I'm caught up in that discussion too. And I wasn't going to say anything, but, I think I've got versions of them from when SOMETHING was still different about them. Different colors of leaf for one thing...

Maybe it's "transitional", or something like that. I wasn't really kidding by saying I had a preference of KK over the others right now - based on what I've got from previous purchases............................


Sep 23, 2022
United States Of America
Queen Annes Revenge is the bulk for Sutliff's Private Stock Barbados Plantation.
Yeah I have them all. There is very little difference. Molto and Cream Brulee taste identical. Just a lighter topping on the other 2 as far as I see. They might have different tobaccos but that topping drowns it all out to me.

Edit: I looked all of them up. They all have the same tobaccos. But they aren't advertised as the bulk versions of their counterparts like other blends are.
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Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
It's common place for B&M shops to take bulk tobacco and re-name it as a shop blend or something else. Rich's Cigar Store used to sell a "house blend" but it was the same cut, color, smell, and taste as McClelland 5100 Red Cake. Though the associate assured me it was their own blend.... it wasn't. My local shop sells Lane RLP-6 as Captain Black. They have a few others that they sell under a different name.

I'm sure there are countless blends on the market that come from Scandinavian Tobacco Group for example that are packaged and sold as different blends by company X and company Y, even though they're the same blend coming from STG.

Ole Bob

Feb 1, 2024
Twin Falls, Idaho
Not sure where to post this question but... Has anyone heard of a blend called Red Sleeves ? I used to buy it from Ford & Haig in Scottsdale, Arizona but they discontinued it and say the closest to it is Lane L-1. It might be close but it's just not the same.
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May 7, 2022
I just found out from another thread on these forums that Kendal dark, Kendal Kentucky, and even dark Birds Eye are now all the same tobacco sold under 3 different names. I actually ordered all 3 recently at smoking pipes and was smoking all 3 trying to tell the difference, only to find out here they are now all the same tobacco
That's pretty crazy if true as they should be all completely different base component tobaccos regardless of casing /topping. I mean you can see the birdseye in the Virginia tobacco called birdseye and Kentucky is dark-fired and the kendal dark should be Malawi burley. Sounds more like a shipping mix up more than a manufacture thing. Very SUS...
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May 7, 2022
You would have to believe that manufacturers wouldn't miss an opportunity to put a blend out with several different labels on it. Particularly an aromatic.
It particularly happens when blends go off the market for a minute and are bought out and taken over by bigger houses.

Whatever was the original is gone and whatever they have on hand that was closest in profile to the dead blend gets the dead blend's label though it's already been being tinned as that manufactures x blend for years.

So now there are 2-3 of x blend being sold as 3 distinct blends, different in label only.