Rye whiskey

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Jun 23, 2011
Since a buddy bought me a bottle of Bulleit Rye this summer, I have been on a rye kick.
I still love my single malt Scotch. But for a more casual, over-ice kind of drink, I am loving rye -- clean, bright, spicy. And it's what our dads drank between mission in the Good War.
Besides Bulleit, other favorites so far are Van Winkle Reserve, Sazerac (a classic), Old Overholt (another classic), and Hudson Manhattan.
Anyone else enjoying the rye resurgence?



Oct 12, 2011
Old Overholt, talk about rye bite! Another that used to be around was Jim Beam Rye, to me, nothing smooth about any Rye I have ever tasted...



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013
I second Wild Turkey Rye. A real Manhattan should be made with Rye. You might try one and enjoy it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 30, 2011
Gonna have to show some love to the home state and vote for Templeton and Cedar Ridge as well. Cedar Ridge happens to sell small batch barrels-full for aging.



Oct 15, 2013
You tease us...do you eat steak in front of starving Ethiopians, my man?

I hereby pronounce judgment on thee...Drinks on the house, courtesy of Tuold!
Ha ha! I meant, "Not too expensive" trailboss! But the drinks are on me if you are ever in the Portland/Beaverton area!
I think I paid $35.00 for the 750mL bottle. That's not bad for a bottle of happiness.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
Ha ha! I meant, "Not too expensive" trailboss! But the drinks are on me if you are ever in the Portland/Beaverton area!
Tuold, I may take you up on that offer! My wife and I enjoy a trip up to Tigard for a dinner at Gustav's, so I might have to arrange for that next time we get up that a-way.



Oct 15, 2013
Tuold, I may take you up on that offer! My wife and I enjoy a trip up to Tigard for a dinner at Gustav's, so I might have to arrange for that next time we get up that a-way.
It would be a pleasure, I'm sure. Try to make it on a day I have off! (I work 15:30-midnight)I'd look forward to meeting with some local pipers.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 10, 2013
Forty creek double barrel reserve is the best rye I've ever had, highly recommended.



Oct 15, 2013
Forty Creek Double Barrel has a wonderful golden roasted aroma filled with deep vanilla notes and highlighted with toasted spice, pecan and walnuts. There is a caramelized creaminess to the flavour with a rich spice that lifts it off the tongue. The finish is very smooth, mellow and extra long.
I have to have it NOW!!! :P



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
I really enjoy that Bulleitt Rye. I love the packaging, and I have a couple Bulleitt glasses that I use when I am drinking it. The bottle looks like something Rooster Cogburn would drink out of....and that's good enough for me! :lol:
As an aside, the owner of Bulleitt is a Vietnam era Marine. Another reason I buy the stuff.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
The song, Rye Whiskey, has been performed by a handful of singers. Pretty catchy tune if you haven't heard it before.
Rye Whiskey
Jack o' Diamonds, Jack o' Diamonds and I know you of old

You've robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold

It's a whiskey, you villain, you've been my downfall

You've kicked me, you've cuffed me, but I love you for all
It's a whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If I don't get rye whiskey, well, I think I will die
I'll eat when I'm hungry, I'll drink when I'm dry

If the hard times don't kill me, I'll lay down and die

I'll tune up my fiddle and I 'll rosin my bow

I'll make myself welcome, wherever I go
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live till I die
Beefsteak when I'm hungry red liquor when I'm dry

Greenbacks when I'm hard up and religion when I die

They say I drink whiskey, my money's my own

All them that don't like me, can leave me alone
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live till I die
Sometimes I drink whiskey, sometimes I drink rum

Sometimes I drink brandy, at other times none

But if I get boozey, my whiskey's my own

And them that don't like me, can leave me alone
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live till I die
If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck

I'd dive to the bottom to get one sweet suck

But the ocean ain't whiskey and I ain't a duck

So we'll round up the cattle and then we'll get drunk
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If the whiskey don't kill me, I'll live till I die
My foot's in my stirrup, my bridle's in my hand

I'm leaving sweet Lillie, the fairest in the land

Her parents don't like me, they say I'm too poor

They say I'm unworthy to enter her door
It's a whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If I don't get rye whiskey, well, I think I will die
Sweet milk when I'm hungry, rye whiskey when I'm dry

If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live till I die

I'll buy my own whiskey, I'll make my own stew

If I get drunk, madam, it's nothing to you
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live till I die
I'll drink my own whiskey, I'll drink my own wine

Some ten thousand bottles I've killed in my time

I've no wife to quarrel, no babies to bawl

The best way of living is no wife at all
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry

If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live till I die
Way up on Clinch Mountain I wander alone

I'm as drunk as the devil, oh, let me alone

You may boast of your knowledge an' brag of your sense

'Twill all be forgotten a hundred years hence
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, you're no friend to me

You killed my poor daddy, God damn you, try me



Jun 1, 2013
There is a local rye here in Calgary called Century Reserve! All the ingredients are locally grown and it is distilled and aged down the street from me! It is a wonderful drink, best enjoyed neat, and is much smoother than many of the other ryes I have tried. I am also a fan of the Canadian Club Double Matured Sherry Cask.
I will also second Forty Creek Double Barrel. Latbomber nailed it with his description!



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
What alot of people think is rye whisky isn't actually rye whisky, it simply has rye blended into it with other whisky's. Like at the liquor mart there's a whole section of rye, yet many of them are simply canadian whiskies which use rye in them. Some great 100% pure rye whisky's are made by alberta springs. The 10 year old is great stuff and cheap, 23$ a bottle roughly. Alberta Premium is one of the few whiskies available that is made from 100% rye, is the same price as bottom shelf whisky in Canada, and Jim Murray gave it the best whisky of the year. Here's an article that explains a bit of this. http://quench.me/thirst/jim-murray-the-high-no-pun-intended-priest-of-whisky/40 creek is great stuff but would only but wouldn't be considered actual rye by enthusiats, as it's blended with corn, barley and rye. American rye has a bit more rules to be considered rye whisky, but even then it only has to contain 51% rye mash http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rye_whiskey whereas pretty much all Canadian whisky is referred to as rye. Most pure american rye whisky is pretty pricey actually.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
I am also a fan of the Canadian Club Double Matured Sherry Cask.
Good stuff, but not rye.
Try Alberta Premium Dark Horse Canadian Rye Whisky - 91% rye, 8% bourbon, 1% sherry.



Mar 30, 2013
TSLEX - yes I have noticed a greater selection of Ryes on the shelf in the last year or so, especially lesser known names maybe smaller distillers? I usually like Scotch in all of its forms, JW Black is a relatively affordable staple for me. Rye is in general to me, a very tasty whiskey depending on the brand. I consider Bulliet a real steal price wise and a very good rye. I think I like the spicy taste of Rye which it has in spades and is hinted at in some Scotch. A nice "thread" to explore in the liquor stores.in addition to he Scotch stable.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 26, 2013
I suggest Michters Rye. Its my favorit. The 10 year is excellent but will cost you about $100. The standard is aged 7 or 8 years and is still very good. They do have a 25 year rye, but I haven't had it. Their bourbon is also excellent.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 2, 2013
I too have been on a rye kick and have been systematically trying them all. Good ones are:

Pendeltons... not to be confused with

Templetons...both good

1776 Rye... strong!

Dickle's Rye... nice taste


High West Double Rye...Good haven't tried the "rendezvous rye" yet.

Willett 4 year old rye EXTREMELY STRONG 110 Proof... be ready!
Of those the Dickel and the Mitcher's and the Templeton are my top 3.

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