Somewhere in my vast stash of pipes is an old pre war Kaywoodie whose briar first took root before the time of the American Revolution,
We know that the Heath tree in the Mediterranean is a shrub, a sort of variety of brush that would be eradicated to plant crops. So on rocky hillsides, and only in that region, after about fifty years the Heath tree forms burls on it’s roots large enough to fashion into pipes. The larger the burl, the older, and in the late thirties Kaywoodie was advertising they used enormous burls that had to be centuries old.
To be useful for making pipes, the briar root has to be dug up, killing it, and then boiled or soaked to remove the sap, then dried enough to turn it into pipes. Then the briar must be broken in.
Does aging briar improve the smoking quality?
If so, does the aging start from the birth of the Heath tree, from harvest, or from first break in?
I suspect that the age of briar has no effect on smoking quality, except older burls afford a pipe maker better chances to find extremely tight grained, hard briar that I believe does smoke better.
Your thoughts?
We know that the Heath tree in the Mediterranean is a shrub, a sort of variety of brush that would be eradicated to plant crops. So on rocky hillsides, and only in that region, after about fifty years the Heath tree forms burls on it’s roots large enough to fashion into pipes. The larger the burl, the older, and in the late thirties Kaywoodie was advertising they used enormous burls that had to be centuries old.
To be useful for making pipes, the briar root has to be dug up, killing it, and then boiled or soaked to remove the sap, then dried enough to turn it into pipes. Then the briar must be broken in.
Does aging briar improve the smoking quality?
If so, does the aging start from the birth of the Heath tree, from harvest, or from first break in?
I suspect that the age of briar has no effect on smoking quality, except older burls afford a pipe maker better chances to find extremely tight grained, hard briar that I believe does smoke better.
Your thoughts?