A few weeks ago my mother in law gave me a gift. (I know, shocking, right?) An ancient bulldog of unknown provenance, it's innards clogged with tar, the rim charred, and a good quarter inch of cake built up on the bowl. It had belonged to her father in law, and had been sitting on a shelf in their living room for twenty years. My father in law said to get rid of it, so she gave it to me.
After cleaning it up- and my god, what a process that was, apparently Mr. Rough Sr. felt that filters were a sissy affectation and refused to use one, along with an ignorance of pipe cleaners. In fact the man had drilled a new airway through the tar- I found an unfamiliar name on the stem.
RKO Filter. I have never heard of this make, nor can I find any information on it. Has anyone ever heard of them or have any light to shine on this mystery? Thanks in advance.
After cleaning it up- and my god, what a process that was, apparently Mr. Rough Sr. felt that filters were a sissy affectation and refused to use one, along with an ignorance of pipe cleaners. In fact the man had drilled a new airway through the tar- I found an unfamiliar name on the stem.
RKO Filter. I have never heard of this make, nor can I find any information on it. Has anyone ever heard of them or have any light to shine on this mystery? Thanks in advance.