WEll--ive been slowly converting to cigars and forgot about my pipe tobacco collection. I have 2 tins of penzance and one in a mason jar. After 2-3 months of storing it i forgot to give my tobacco some 10-20second air.
The smell is still a penzance and amazing, but i noticed a white haze(see picture B) fogging the inside. Is it due to high humidity? To answer that i placed my hygroset II digital hygrometer which is calibrated (36-hours). Anyways after 15-20 minutes i noticed (see picture B) the RH is 77% and temp is 79F.
So is it mold? sugar? the white stuff kinda has a shining/crystal like effec
I guess ill air it out tonight just in case.
The smell is still a penzance and amazing, but i noticed a white haze(see picture B) fogging the inside. Is it due to high humidity? To answer that i placed my hygroset II digital hygrometer which is calibrated (36-hours). Anyways after 15-20 minutes i noticed (see picture B) the RH is 77% and temp is 79F.
So is it mold? sugar? the white stuff kinda has a shining/crystal like effec
I guess ill air it out tonight just in case.