When I get a new pipe I judge the pipe upon a few things. How it feels, how well it smokes, how it looks, ease of cleaning, and the classic pipe cleaner test.
It's been a couple months since I put up the challenge of a freehand Canadian for the pipe makers of this forum. I should say it was answered by a fellow Missourian! This pipe is different from any pipe I've ever seen yet it hold a classic respect to it as well. I've dubbed this pipe "The Irish Setter" due to its rich redish orange color and the outdoors feel it gives. First off how it feels. Due to the classic poker shape of the bowl it feels great in the hand. It's too heavy for one to clench but that is due to the well balanced large size of this pipe. I've smoked four bowls out of this pipe so far and it smokes excellent. A stunningly smooth draw that's wide open. For looks I give this pipe a 10 It's a very original take on a classic. Now for the pipe cleaner test. I put the cleaner into the stem and it went straight through to the bowl without a single problem. Then as of his home run wasn't enough on the pipe he made a matching tamper with a copper end. I highly recommend this carver for anyone looking to get a pipe carved.
It's been a couple months since I put up the challenge of a freehand Canadian for the pipe makers of this forum. I should say it was answered by a fellow Missourian! This pipe is different from any pipe I've ever seen yet it hold a classic respect to it as well. I've dubbed this pipe "The Irish Setter" due to its rich redish orange color and the outdoors feel it gives. First off how it feels. Due to the classic poker shape of the bowl it feels great in the hand. It's too heavy for one to clench but that is due to the well balanced large size of this pipe. I've smoked four bowls out of this pipe so far and it smokes excellent. A stunningly smooth draw that's wide open. For looks I give this pipe a 10 It's a very original take on a classic. Now for the pipe cleaner test. I put the cleaner into the stem and it went straight through to the bowl without a single problem. Then as of his home run wasn't enough on the pipe he made a matching tamper with a copper end. I highly recommend this carver for anyone looking to get a pipe carved.