I'm only 38 years old. That's not "old" by any means. I listen to a lot of the same music as the younger generation (teens through late twenties)I play the same video games. Lol had a lengthy conversation with a young lady about 19 years old about my Alienware laptop at Starbucks the other day... she was so jealous lol. But being only 38 years old, I have seen America change drastically. Some of the older gentlemen might say it's not the same country as it was in the 50's, or the 60's, or the 70's and so on. Well I grew up mainly in the 80's and 90's and it's not the same country it was then. Shoot... it's not the same country it was 10 years ago. And it sure isn't the same country we had before 9/11. It seems to be becoming a country ruled by the minority. At least it seems that way in my humble opinion. What the few want, happens. Whether the majority of us want it or not. Doesn't seem to make any sense does it? I better stop there... I don't want to turn this into a political argument or anything like that.
The fact of the matter is, we have turned from a society that cared about our fellow man into a me, me, me society. This is what I want and the hell with everyone else. When we care only about ourselves and our own wants, how can we respect others and their wants and their needs? Kids being raised these days get what they want when they want. It's like the parents are afraid to say no. The parents are afraid their child might be 'upset'. The parents are afraid to discipline their children. Basically the parents these days have no backbone, because their parents were too high or drunk to care, and the kids now are all spoiled brats (well perhaps not all, but a good number of them are)or thugs, or punks, or gang members. If the parents did not teach the kids to respect them, why would the kids respect anyone else? They don't know what the word means.