Reality or Monty Python Skit?

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Mar 7, 2013
The harpoon has been sunk so deeply that it will never be removed, and "responses" like this are mostly for show---a CYA thing---but the situation leaves me shaking my head in disbelief anyway.

The growth of all lifeforms on Earth are affected by their immediate environment. Adaptive evolutionary changes happen instantaneously. The slowness of NET change over long periods only makes evolution LOOK like a gradual process.

We knew that was true with "virtual certainty" for decades, and it was proved as absolute fact thirty years ago.

But, as usual, inconvenient facts are ignored and denied for as long as possible. (In this case, what caused the inconvenience was financial profit.)

What, exactly, am I talking about?

Kids who grew up immersed in digital Everything---and social media in particular---are developmentally unfit (in many cases) to assume roles in a society that was created by people who didn't grow up that way.

So much so that hazard warnings are now---finally---being sought by the highest level government public health regulators:

Tobacco-like warning label for social media sought by US surgeon general who asks Congress to act -

Why not sooner? What's Apple worth now, three trillion dollars? Microsoft? Also three trillion. Amazon? Two trillion. That's why. When those guys get Big Mad, political heads roll. Which means the problem is now considered significant enough that the politicos are past worrying about what Big Tech thinks.
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Dec 30, 2018
Quite the three pipe problem. I shall begin to ponder immediately with my new Mark Tinsky / Pipe Cottage collaboration pipe and a bowl of GH Brown Flake Scented and a cup of Earl Grey tea. Stay tuned!
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May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
The harpoon has been sunk so deeply that it will never be removed, and "responses" like this are mostly for show---a CYA thing---but the situation leaves me shaking my head in disbelief anyway.

The growth of all lifeforms on Earth are affected by their immediate environment. Adaptive evolutionary changes happen instantaneously. The slowness of NET change over long periods only makes evolution LOOK like a gradual process.

We knew that was true with "virtual certainty" for decades, and it was proved as absolute fact thirty years ago.

But, as usual, inconvenient facts are ignored and denied for as long as possible. (In this case, what caused the inconvenience was financial profit.)

What, exactly, am I talking about?

Kids who grew up immersed in digital Everything---and social media in particular---are developmentally unfit (in many cases) to assume roles in a society that was created by people who didn't grow up that way.

So much so that hazard warnings are now---finally---being sought by the highest level government public health regulators:

Tobacco-like warning label for social media sought by US surgeon general who asks Congress to act -

Why not sooner? What's Apple worth now, three trillion dollars? Microsoft? Also three trillion. Amazon? Two trillion. That's why. When those guys get Big Mad, political heads roll. Which means the problem is now considered significant enough that the politicos are past worrying about what Big Tech thinks.
The last two generations have no idea how to interact with "real people". I'm old and going to die soon but the rest of you are fucked. Below is one of my two favorite Mike quotes, the other is "Everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face."



Apr 16, 2021
Kansas City Missouri
This is the warning that kids aught to be given then all the rest of the warning labels might not be necessary

“The truth is that life is hard and dangerous; that he who seeks his own happiness does not find it; that he who is weak must suffer; that he who demands love will be disappointed; that he who is greedy will not be fed; that he who seeks peace will find strife; that truth is only for the brave; that joy is only for him who does not fear to be alone; that life is only for the one who is not afraid to die.”
Joyce Cary


Mar 7, 2013
The last two generations have no idea how to interact with "real people".

And that inability to interact is causing breakdowns in all manner of institutions and infrastructure essentials.

Talk to any teacher today whose students grew up in the Social Media World. A significant percentage are literally unteachable, and what is being taught is being watered down to facilitate moving them through the system.

Citizens who know STEM subjects are essential to a society maintaining and expanding its infrastructure. Roads/highways, bridges, railways, electric power generation, electric power distribution, communications, everything airport and aircraft related, waste disposal and processing, water purification and distribution, and so forth.

The up-and-coming generation, though---those with the modified-by-social-media brains---are proving to be not up to the task.

As I said before, the Feds finally becoming involved (and the de-facto flipping off Big Tech by them) is like a tornado siren going off.


May 26, 2022
Florida - Space Coast
And that inability to interact is causing breakdowns in all manner of institutions and infrastructure essentials.

Talk to any teacher today whose students grew up in the Social Media World. A significant percentage are literally unteachable, and what is being taught is being watered down to facilitate moving them through the system.

Citizens who know STEM subjects are essential to a society maintaining and expanding its infrastructure. Roads/highways, bridges, railways, electric power generation, electric power distribution, communications, everything airport and aircraft related, waste disposal and processing, water purification and distribution, and so forth.

The up-and-coming generation, though---those with the modified-by-social-media brains---are proving to be not up to the task.

As I said before, the Feds finally becoming involved (and the de-facto flipping off Big Tech by them) is like a tornado siren going off.
Most of. them are completely useless, they all think they will get rich doing stupid internet videos and the females that have any looks at all basically set up subscription porn sites, so that accounts for what 1/2% of them ... that's why i simply put up Tyson's quote because it covers such a large majority of them.
During WW2 people lied about their age to go to war, this generation lies about their gender to win sporting events.


Oct 16, 2011
When I saw a group of 5 kids standing together, all with their phones out, “communicating “ with each other electronically rather than speaking, I knew these people were likely unfit for living in a physical world.


Dec 30, 2018
When it finally gets rolling at the full scale the Purge isn’t going to look like the popular movie it’s going to look a lot like people stepping into rush hour traffic because they are absorbed in making a TikTok video or getting mauled by Bison or Bears while taking a selfie or falling off a cliff while making an influencer post for Instagram … never mind, the real Purge is playing right now at a location near you. Should thin the herd quite nicely I think.


Mar 7, 2013
This subject has been brought up / discussed on this board several times over the past few years, of course.

What's new is that the constantly-plugged-in effect on Kid Brains has finally been officially acknowledged by the highest level of government Med people, and the danger it poses to the country (implicitly) recognized.

That's a VERY big deal.

Again, the most powerful companies in the world---multi-trillion-dollar ones who make their money from the software and hardware that creates the "world" that is the problem---couldn't stop them.

The next stop on this bus ride?

The affected generation are as much addicts in the medical/organic sense as meth and crack users.

Meaning all efforts to limit their access going forward will trigger a whole new shitshow.


Jan 31, 2011
During WW2 people lied about their age to go to war, this generation lies about their gender to win sporting events.

Well, they may be in for a rude awakening, because the current crop of geniuses who run the western world seem to be doing everything they can to start WW3...and appear to be planning for a draft as well.


Jun 4, 2021
Tasmania, Australia
Society is broken and I can't see a way to restore dignity, generosity, humility and love without doing a hard reset as painful and destructive as that is and I agree with @AJL67 wholeheartedly that we are all to comfortable in so many things. Its time we all got punched in the face.


Mar 7, 2013
Well, they may be in for a rude awakening, because the current crop of geniuses who run the western world seem to be doing everything they can to start WW3...and appear to be planning for a draft as well.


Even the generation we're talking about recognizes the impossibility of that working. rotf

So many will fail to register, fail to report, be found unfit if they do, protest until they drop, etc. that enforcement of any draft law will be logistically impossible.

(Put another way: can a lion beat a mouse? Every time. Can a lion beat a million mice? Never.)

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Jan 31, 2011
Even the generation we're talking about recognizes the impossibility of that working. rotf

IMO that is precisely the plan's all intended to fail (including all of the infrastructure you're talking about in the OP).

I suspect the psycho globalist cartel kingpins have already decided that "we" are the designated losers in the next big one. All this stuff is scripted in advance.

BTW: thanks for posting that Cardi B video...that was hilarious. rotf


Jul 1, 2013
Iowa, United States
I think if anyone who is convinced of the crappiness of life, other generations, categorical incompetence of generalized groups of people, and the impossibility of the world surviving for another few months should volunteer for the front of the face punching line. What's the point of even going on.


Mar 7, 2013
I think if anyone who is convinced of the crappiness of life, other generations, categorical incompetence of generalized groups of people, and the impossibility of the world surviving for another few months should volunteer for the front of the face punching line. What's the point of even going on.

There are five primary methods of avoiding the harshness of living in an entropic universe:

1 -- willful self-Delusion
2 -- Distraction
3 -- Denial
4 -- Drinking / Drugs


5 -- Dealing with it (meaning NOT trying to construct an imaginary world via 1, 2, 3, or 4)

The tough bit is that #5 sometimes requires recognizing uncomfortable things. Which then occasions discussing the situation with others from time to time.

And here we are.
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