I wrote a post the other night about how I was feeling about my life. I got on and scrolled through the forums and saw it had 57 posts, so I decided to read them. I hadn't had a chance to read everything the other day. And I have been really turned off on this site. Not with everyone but a few people. I know this was not a proper place to seek any help but had no clue where else to turn. I read on the one post about the suicide emergency line which I called and was transferred to the veterans help crisis line. I talked to the man named Keith for about thirty minutes. That night I laid down and prayed everything would get better and placed it in gods hands. I realized I had no control over what what going on and could let it consume me or move on. Well I came to say today I went to my local union and there was a job call so I will be returning to work on Monday. Things can only look up from here. But for now I will sit down pack a bowl of burley and puff on thanks for the people who steered me in the right direction and God bless.