Rare new tobacco review

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Apr 29, 2009
This is a review I just posted to forum.pipes.org , and I thought you'd possibly like to read it too:
PETERSON PERFECT PLUG. Currently available only at the Grafton Street Peterson store. Mailed to me by a perfect stranger whose generosity amazes me. Thanks to Tommie Flynn!
I have finally smoked the Peterson Perfect Plug sent to me by the generous Tommie Flynn!
I have purchased a new cob to sample this tobacco. I have smoked it twice. So obviously this review isn't going to be the final word concerning this new offering from Peterson.
It is mahogany-colored with narrow streaks of gold interspersed. The unburnt tobacco smells like preserved fruit, albeit much more subdued than say an aged Virginia. Fired Burley scents also make themselves known. The flakes that Mr. Flynn have sliced for me are fairly uniform and tight, much in keeping with the "non-shaggy" construction of Peterson flakes.
After a touch of drying and rubbing out I lighted the tobacco.
...this is...good. African tobacco in the tradition of Gawith, Hoggarth, & Co. , yet with a lighter hand on strength and top flavors than G&H. Burns well and stays lit with little effort.
Side note, and this may confuse or enlighten some of the readers, but bear with me; but, do you know how Peterson makes some fairly straight-forward tobaccos, aka:
Aromatics: (Connoisseur's Choice, De Luxe Mixture, Sweet Killarney, Sunset Breeze et al.)
Mild strength, pleasant room note, popular toppings/casings
Flakes: (Irish Flake, University Flake)
Strong, simple ingredient blend, light topping/casing
Then there are the ones that are unique and a bit unusual to the panoply of blends: (Irish Oak, Old Dublin, Sherlock Holmes)
I call these "unusual" in that they utilize a slight variation from traditional blends, like Mysore Indian tobacco or Cavendish where it often isn't used. Irish Oak, for example, is a mixture of Burley, Cavendish,Virginia, and Perique, a mixture certainly not common and not an analog of most popular offerings.

I would call Peterson Perfect Plug a member of the "unusual" moniker. To me it does not fall easily into the major types of tobacco blends, (English, Va/Per, aromatic, Burley, etc.), and this delights me! Not being able to easily pinpoint what a tobacco is surely constitutes one of the finer pleasures available to the pipe smoker.
All right, that very long aside...aside, the tobacco burns cool with little chance for bite. I am a fairly rapid smoker and this tobacco is treating me well.
There's so much more to tell but this post is already very long. I apologize for posting such a lengthy review. I beg indulgence as I myself was extremely interested in finding out what this new product was like.
In closing, here is a tobaccoreviews.com-like summation:
Strength: Medium

Flavoring: Mild

Taste: Medium

Room Note: Pleasant to tolerable

Recommendation: Recommended



Aug 21, 2009
Thanks for the comprehensive review. This tobacco has drawn a fair amount of interest on other sites, but too shrouded in speculation. From what you have writeen, this is certainly in the line of my favorites like Irish and University flakes. Thanks again.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
That sounds very cool analogmoz. It also adds to the mystique that you can't get anywhere except at their store in Dublin. It makes it even more desirable. We always want what we can't have or is hard to get. I want some.

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