Curiosity got to me while I smoked the Orlik Prince as to how much it might weigh. Once it was void of tobacco and sat for a bit I grabbed my digital scale and some of the pipes I've posted me smoking of late, thought I'd share the information:
Orlik Prince .335 ozs!
Talbert Goblin 1.7 ozs
Talbert Morta Calabash, Masur Birch cap, accent and Meerschaum body 1.85 ozs
Maigurs Knets briar bodied Calabash with briar bowl capped with Masur Birch 1.82 ozs
The Altinok-Davorin Calabash Meerschaum bowl Morta body 4.8 ozs
Orlik Prince .335 ozs!
Talbert Goblin 1.7 ozs
Talbert Morta Calabash, Masur Birch cap, accent and Meerschaum body 1.85 ozs
Maigurs Knets briar bodied Calabash with briar bowl capped with Masur Birch 1.82 ozs
The Altinok-Davorin Calabash Meerschaum bowl Morta body 4.8 ozs