It was revealed last night that Chris Jones had contacted DDDDC thru Mike at Briar Blues and I was released from the Deadly Contract and that I could peek at my present, Lo and Behold this Beauty was in the Box . What a gift, I have never had anything so nice other than my Wife when I married her. Chris you have made an old Man happy.
I'd be stunned beyond words to have been given such a great looking pipe ... (and anything that could render this old son of Ireland without words is stunning indeed!)
Chris you are a great man!! :worship:
Bradley, I also bought a BriarBlues POY2013, and it is remarkable how light the pipe is, but with a huge chamber. I love mine and it is quickly becoming a go to pipe. Thanks for sharing!
Chris, that was a great gesture of generosity and it couldn't have gone to a nicer guy. Very classy move my friend.
Bradley, congrats on your new pipe. I also bought one of those POY's and love the way it smokes. I am sure you will enjoy yours.