I like them all.
Though. . .. I don't think the pipe literally would keep me from mischief. . .other than the fact that it is one of the methods I meditate by that did away with my old mischief. When I was 16 my old mentor told me to ditch the meds and just sit back and enjoy the ride -- the meds don't make the world change, and neither does age, so calm down, and pick your battles carefully. I like to think I don't fight much, but Kevin's pointed out that I've been banned form far too many places -- if nothing else I fight harder than I should.
Anyway, as I was saying -- at the time cigarettes were part of that, then snuff and chew were added, then the hookah, then chew removed, snuff cut back to next to never, and now the pipe added. I also use electronic cigarettes when I feel like a floral, wet, and completely cool 'smoke' because its vapour. These things, hours spent out in the cold reading a book till twilight, the keys to my calm life.
To put it another way, allow me to use an excerpt from a short story I wrote some time ago.
"'To loose thyself of this wretched mortal coil, let a man find himself lost instead within the molasses and ancient embrace of the Languid Hour' -- the though did not so much as occur to him as it did drift through an otherwise blank mind. Its movements as intricate as any pattern the smoke began to weave in the small aura it had made of itself about his person.
The man actually smiled then, blowing a few smoke rings and a rather subtle expression of what bordered on rapture. . . or perhaps not. 'Rapture implies a sense of urgency, there is nothing of ought here' -- again the thought was as effervescent as the rings that were already falling only a foot or two from him."
A bit pretentious. . . but I find it to be too true to resist.