So as some of you know I have been looking at pipes lately like Meers and some unknowns. Didnt get either of those! Pulled the trigger on this pipe I just had to have.
You're one lucky man. Very interesting contrast between the rough texture of the antler and the so very smooth briar. Must be a true pride and joy to possess the work of such a master. Congratulations!
I have three Tinsky custom bulldogs and they are all superb smokers! Mark is also a joy to commission work from and talk to. You really can’t go wrong with him!
Thanks for all the comments gents! Pretty excited for it to get here. Course it may be a minute while working overseas. Lets just say the Mil Air isn't the fastest! Regardless i'm still grateful for the ability to even have mail.
Love the stain or lack thereof. Also that grain is beautiful. I have a couple Stanwells with the same stain and its pretty in the hands.....nice acquisition.