How do you balance pipe tobacco price versus the perfection of the blend? I have a few favorite tobaccos
that I always want to have on hand, but several of these are relatively expensive. Other blends that are
less expensive offer some real pleasure, but they aren't tops. I find I often balance smoking the great
stuff with smoking the really good stuff. Below that, I try to just compost less good tobaccos. How do
you balance the good with the great, the moderately priced with the pricey? Does anyone smoke less
to smoke better? I doubt it, but that's would be one way to go. Just interested in how other pipe smokers
think about this. Granger can be a pretty nice evening bowl, but it isn't English Oriental, and it sure
isn't Dunhill 965. Also, there's the pleasure of variety, and everything can't be the favorite.
that I always want to have on hand, but several of these are relatively expensive. Other blends that are
less expensive offer some real pleasure, but they aren't tops. I find I often balance smoking the great
stuff with smoking the really good stuff. Below that, I try to just compost less good tobaccos. How do
you balance the good with the great, the moderately priced with the pricey? Does anyone smoke less
to smoke better? I doubt it, but that's would be one way to go. Just interested in how other pipe smokers
think about this. Granger can be a pretty nice evening bowl, but it isn't English Oriental, and it sure
isn't Dunhill 965. Also, there's the pleasure of variety, and everything can't be the favorite.