Just curious if anyone has any post smoke rituals beyond basic pipe maintenance (or the lack there of)? Myself, I like to try to enjoy the lingering flavors left on the palate afterwards, reminiscing on the ghost of the pipe just past. One way I do this is chewing a piece of cinnamon gum (which has the added benefit of oral health and hygiene). The spice of the cinnamon really magnifies the flavors left by the lingering spirit of the recent smoke. While I tend to smoke mostly Englishes at the moment, I think (like lat forward blends) the lingering flavors left on the palate by burley and perique forward blends definitely benefit from the spicy taste of the gum. Less so with overly sweet aromatics.
Anyone else have any such post smoke rituals, culinary, activities, or otherwise?
Anyone else have any such post smoke rituals, culinary, activities, or otherwise?