What's your favorite pocket pipe, assuming you have to carry it on your person, like
in a jacket or breast pocket? There are lots of common answers to this; some like
cobs, some like nose warmers. I've had the happiest experience with compact, sturdy
bent billiards. The shape seems to have some inherent strength and not be prone to
snapping, as longer straight pipes might. The bowls are big enough, and the shank and
stem are long enough to mellow the smoke a little, and unlike a nose warmer, the bowl
isn't right under your air intake (nose). Everyone has a favorite take-along pipe; what's
in a jacket or breast pocket? There are lots of common answers to this; some like
cobs, some like nose warmers. I've had the happiest experience with compact, sturdy
bent billiards. The shape seems to have some inherent strength and not be prone to
snapping, as longer straight pipes might. The bowls are big enough, and the shank and
stem are long enough to mellow the smoke a little, and unlike a nose warmer, the bowl
isn't right under your air intake (nose). Everyone has a favorite take-along pipe; what's