Noted! From now on I will only be using dry pipe cleaners and paper towels if necessary. Hopefully I can get that bowl color back to black again!
Thank you guys for all the help.
Happy smokes
There is a camp that likes bowl coatings and another that don't.
Quite a few go out of their way to buy pipes with uncoated chambers or will remove the coating with sandpaper if there is one.
I have to admit I removed the coating of a (new) pipe because the first smoke with it was so putrid.
So you have just done unintentionally what a few do on purpose
Absolutely no harm done to your pipe at all.
Just load it up and smoke it.
Be careful to sip and not puff excessively and over heat the chamber.
You don't want to scorch the wood.
It's often enough to use one or two doubled over cleaners to clean out the chamber after each smoke.
I use scrunched up paper towels only if the chamber is particularly ashy or dirty (infrequently).
Happy puffing