Hey guys & girls, I'm immensely busy, especially since I am running 2 e-zines now. I'm so busy that I need to get some adult diapers.
If you have any issues with the site, such as:
1. A thread or post needs attention by a moderator.
2. You disagree with what a moderator did.
3. You can't figure out how to do something, like upload an avatar, or post a picture, etc.
PLEASE contact either Lawrence, Mark or Jason.
Please only contact me as a very last resort.
If you want to suggest new features, I am the only one that can do it, and I'm not going to get to it anytime soon. Lastly, my preferred method of communication, when you have something really important is email ...
I would actually prefer an email over a PM, please.
If you have any issues with the site, such as:
1. A thread or post needs attention by a moderator.
2. You disagree with what a moderator did.
3. You can't figure out how to do something, like upload an avatar, or post a picture, etc.
PLEASE contact either Lawrence, Mark or Jason.
Please only contact me as a very last resort.
If you want to suggest new features, I am the only one that can do it, and I'm not going to get to it anytime soon. Lastly, my preferred method of communication, when you have something really important is email ...
I would actually prefer an email over a PM, please.