When we worked in the rice field , pulling indigo out ( before they sprayed for them with airplanes) when we knocked off for the noon meal we would after the meal grab a pillow and take a nap on the floor. The cackling those chickens made comeing thru that screen door was like a seditave, I can still hear that sound.
@kashmir, i just started with the chickens last fall and really enjoy it. The fresh eggs are fantastic and watching them interact with each other i great fun to watch. Just added 4 chicks to my flock to give me a total of 11(6 layers, 1 rooster and 4 nearly 2 month old soon to be layers).
How do they overwinter? Do you have a hen house? I'm in NJ, and we get decent winters. Also, we have a lot of hawks here, and I'm thinking that may be a problem. Feral cats too. I may have to build a roofed enclosure. Or keep a shotgun. LOL.
Keeping chickens for fresh eggs is becoming a very popular thing here in the Seattle area - even in the urban areas. Love those huge multicolored eggs - it's a whole different experience than what you get from the supermarkets.
Now my only question is: which tobacco blend do you find most influences the chickens' egg output?
Kashmir: I live up in Maine and have a few friends with chickens. They winter fine, just a bit of a drop in production is all. They'll keep laying as long as they have decent shelter in which to do it.
Also, roofed enclosure sounds far less insanity inducing than playing Terminator. :wink:
That's wonderful...would like to keep chickens one day myself if the circumstances ever allow.
I only purchase cage-free eggs at the store...I wish everyone would do the same. The sickening and horrifying way chickens are tortured for their entire lives at corporate farms in tiny cages and filthy conditions is shameful and disgusting imo. Same goes for all other animals unfortunate enough to be trapped in industrial concentration camps.
I breed chickens. Some for show. Some heratige breeds. And others for sale to those getting into raising chickens for eggs or meat. Congratulations on taking this step! You may be on BYC, but PM me if I can everbe of assistance. Edit: I meant for questions... Not pimping my chickens......
Dirty birds but oh so worth the trouble! during my teen years my family and I did some homesteading. We rasied chickens for laying and meat and goats for milk and meat. Fresh produce and meat/ dairy locally produced is awesome.
@kashmir, They do just fine over winter, had some -20 degree nights and they do fine as long as they are out of the drafts. I converted an old ice fishing shack into a coop and I have some Happy Hens.