Sometimes I just smoke a pipe because it's that time of day. But sometimes, a particular pipe and a chosen blend meet a need. Three examples would be stress release, problem solving, and waiting around. Suppose I'm winding down from visiting a family member in the hospital; I need to gear down. My choice of pipe and tobacco might be a hand-carved (Jerry Perry) Mountain Laurel poker/pot, packed with Nightcap. Suppose I'm designing a project and need to lay into some heavy thought, big ideas, and sustained effort. I think I might want to smoke a big bowled Johs bent apple packed with Old Joe Krantz. And finally, suppose I am waiting for my wife and her friend to finish shopping at the outlet mall and am sitting under a tree (within sight of my car so I can see them when they come back). I might like my Ferndown bent billiard packed with Tabac Manil Semois, to help me watch a hawk circle. What pipe would you pair with which tobacco for 1) stress, 2) problem solving, and 3) waiting.